Table of Contents
- activate
- Activates features.
- add
- Adds a segment to a polycurve or a row to an advanced table.
- addpoint
- Adds a new point to a polygon or water level.
- addsubcurve
- Adds a subcurve to a tunnel cross section.
- addtunnelphaseroutine
- Adds a phase routine to a tunnel sequence.
- addtunnelphasestep
- Adds a phase step to a tunnel sequence.
- addwaterpoint
- Adds a water point to a water level.
- advance
- Advances to next tunnel step.
- __allocmem
- Tests if it is possible to allocate a specific amount of additional memory.
- anchormat
- Creates a anchor material set.
- apply
- Applies a command to multiple objects at once.
- arrayp
- Creates an array from one or more objects.
- arrayr
- Creates a rectangular array from one or more objects.
- beam
- Adds beam features to lines.
- beammat
- Creates a beam material set.
- borehole
- Creates a borehole.
- blendsurface
- Creates a blended surface between two tunnels. It creates a surface between two polycurves defined by two separate groups of surfaces
- calculate
- Calculates all phases that are currently marked for calculation.
- checkgeometry
- Checks geometry consistency. Checks if objects overlap or are adjacent and then returns them.
- __clear
- Deletes all objects.
- close
- Closes a polycurve.
- coarsen
- Requests a coarser mesh for a meshable object.
- combine
- Combines many objects to create a new object. This is possible only with same objects, such as parametric-parametric or non-parametric-non-parametric, no mixed objects are allowed.
- commands
- Displays available commands and their signatures.
- cone
- Creates a cone.
- connection
- Creates a connection between two objects: the custom part and the reference part.
- contraction
- Adds contraction features to structural surfaces.
- copylayers
- Copies the soil layer properties from one borehole to other boreholes.
- count
- Displays the number of objects of a specified type that are present.
- __countmeshnodes
- Displays the number of nodes at a specified location.
- createreachedwl
- Creates a new water level at the position reached at the end of the previous phase. The location of the water level will be constant in the current phase.
- createreachedwlandcontinue
- Creates a new water level at the position reached at the end of the previous phase. The location of the water level in the current phase will change from that point on according to the flow function assigned to the original water level in the previous phase.
- cuboid
- Creates a cuboid.
- cylinder
- Creates a cylinder.
- deactivate
- Deactivates features.
- decomposeoutl
- Creates an outline of one or more structural surfaces.
- decomposepolycurve
- Decomposes one or more polycurves into separate segments.
- decomposesrf
- Decomposes one or more volumes or structural surfaces into separate surfaces. The default tolerance angle is 30 degrees.
- decouplefromgenerator
- Decouples one or more tunnels from the tunnel generator(s) into independent surfaces or volumes.
- delete
- Deletes objects.
- deletepoint
- Deletes a point of a polygon or water level.
- __delruntimetoggle
- Removes a runtime toggle.
- dischargefunction
- Adds a discharge function.
- displmultiplier
- Adds a displacement multiplier.
- __dump
- Displays the details of the project.
- __dumpbeams
- Displays a list of all beams.
- __dumpboreholes
- Displays a list of all boreholes.
- __dumpcutobjects
- Displays a list of all cut objects.
- __dumpfixedendanchors
- Displays a list of all fixed-end anchors.
- __dumpgeogrids
- Displays a list of all geogrids.
- __dumpgroups
- Displays a list of all groups.
- __dumplinedispls
- Displays a list of all line prescribed displacements.
- __dumplineloads
- Displays a list of all line loads.
- __dumplines
- Displays a list of all lines.
- __dumpmaterials
- Displays a list of all materials.
- __dumpmeshes
- Displays the details of the mesh of a cut object.
- __dumpn2nanchors
- Displays a list of all node-to-node anchors.
- __dumpnegativeinterfaces
- Displays a list of all negative interfaces.
- __dumpparamobject
- Displays the details of parametric objects.
- __dumpphases
- Displays a list of all phases.
- __dumppiles
- Displays a list of all embedded beams.
- __dumpplates
- Displays a list of all plates.
- __dumppointdispls
- Displays a list of all point prescribed displacements.
- __dumppointloads
- Displays a list of all point loads.
- __dumppoints
- Displays a list of all points.
- __dumppositiveinterfaces
- Displays a list of all positive interfaces.
- __dumpsoillayers
- Displays a list of all soil layers.
- __dumpsoilvolumes
- Displays a list of all soil volumes.
- __dumpsurfaces
- Displays a list of all surfaces.
- __dumpsurfdispls
- Displays a list of all surface prescribed displacements.
- __dumpsurfloads
- Displays a list of all surface loads.
- __dumpvolumes
- Displays a list of all structural volumes.
- duplicate
- Duplicates water levels.
- echo
- Displays the details of an object.
- __echotunnelvalidation
- Displays the errors, warnings and tips related to cross-section, properties, trajectory and sequencing of a tunnel in the tunnel designer.
- embeddedbeam
- Adds embedded beam features to lines.
- embeddedbeammat
- Creates an embedded beam material set.
- __enableprofiling
- Enables the profiling.
- export
- Exports 3D models, structural entities, geometries, cutobjects, as CAD file formats (.step, .stp, .dxf, .brep)
- extendtosymmetryaxis
- Extends a polycurve to its symmetry axis by adding a new segment.
- extrude
- Extrudes an object along a vector.
- filter
- Displays a list of specified objects.
- findcutobject
- Finds the source entities of the specified cutobject or list of cutobjects in staged construction.
- findstagedfeature
- Finds a feature in the staged construction mode.
- fixedendanchor
- Adds fixed-end anchor features to points.
- generatefromfielddata
- Generates the soil stratigraphy of a borehole based on assigned field data.
- generatesplittunnel
- Splits a template tunnel.
- generatetunnel
- Generates the geometry representing the tunnel description.
- generatethicklining
- Generates a thick lining for a tunnel.
- geogrid
- Adds geogrid features to structural surfaces.
- geogridmat
- Creates a geogrid material set.
- __getcommonmeshnodes
- Displays the number of shared nodes of two cut objects.
- __getcurveresults
- Displays the calculated values of a particular block of the specified phase.
- __getlocalaxes
- Displays the local axes at a specified point on a surface or polygon or nearest to a specified point.
- __getmeshlocalaxes
- Displays the local axes closest to the given coordinate of a mesh element in the cutobject.
- __getnormal
- Displays the normal of a planar surface or polygon.
- __getresults
- Displays calculation results.
- getsoillayerlevel
- Returns the location of a soil layer boundary at a borehole.
- getsoillayerporepressure
- Returns the pore pressures of a soil layer.
- __gettoggle
- Returns true or false depending on whether the toggle is set to true or false. If a toggle is absent, it returns false.
- __getvalue
- Displays the value of a surface load or displacement at a specified location.
- __gogreen
- Instructs the computer to logoff/sleep/hibernate/poweroff.
- gotomesh
- Switches to Mesh mode.
- gotosoil
- Switches to Soil mode.
- gotostages
- Switches to Staged construction mode.
- gotostructures
- Switches to Structures mode.
- gotoflow
- Switches to flow conditions mode.
- gotowater
- Switches to flow conditions mode.
- group
- Makes a group of one or more objects.
- groupfiltered
- Groups and displays one or more objects that fulfill a certain criterion.
- headfunction
- Adds a head function.
- help
- Displays a short help for the command line functionality.
- import
- Imports points, polycurves, soil, surfaces or volumes. The following file formats are supported: dxf, step, stp, brep. In case of a dxf import, it is important to set 'INSUNIT' global variable in the dxf file to the desired unit.
- importcrosssection
- Imports one or more polycurves into the cross-section of a tunnel. If the cross-section of the tunnel is not empty, the imported segments are added to the end of the segment list. If the file contains more than one polycurve, the one with the largest bounding box is imported as the cross-section and the others as sub-sections. The imported polycurves can only contain line and arc segments, and they should be positioned on the XY-plane.
- importfielddata
- Imports field data.
- importifc
- Imports IFC data.
- importpointcloud
- Importsa points cloud and creates a surface that matches those points.
- importtrajectory
- Imports a polycurve as the trajectory of a tunnel. The polycurve can only contain lines and arcs, and they should be positioned on the XY-plane.
- info
- Displays all commands for an object.
- initializerectangular
- Changes the coordinates of the rectangular soil contour.
- insert
- Inserts a segment into a polycurve or a row into an advanced table.
- insertphase
- Creates a new phase and inserts it before an existing phase.
- insertpoint
- Inserts a new point to an existing polygon or water level.
- insertsoillayer
- Creates a new soil layer above an existing soil layer.
- insertwaterpoint
- Inserts a new point to an existing water level.
- intersect
- Intersects many objects. This is possible only with same objects, such as parametric-parametric or non-parametric-non-parametric, no mixed objects are allowed.
- intersectsegments
- Intersects two or more segments or subsection polycurves and removes the original objects.
- invert
- Inverts the custom part and the reference part for a connection.
- invertdirection
- Inverts the direction of a line.
- invertnormal
- Inverts the direction of the normal of a surface.
- __kill
- Closes down PLAXIS 3D Input without saving.
- line
- Creates a line.
- linemovement
- Creates a line movement.
- lineangles
- Creates lines in directions specified using angles.
- linedispl
- Adds line prescribed displacement features to lines.
- linedrain
- Adds line drain features to lines.
- lineload
- Adds line load features to lines.
- lineparallel
- Creates a line parallel to another line.
- linerelative
- Creates lines using relative coordinates.
- linevector
- Creates lines in directions specified using vectors.
- loadmultiplier
- Adds a load multiplier.
- materialcommand
- Generates the PLAXIS command to define equivalent soil material and properties in PLAXIS 2D and 3D projects.
- mergeequivalents
- Merges objects with a default tolerance value of 0.001 or with an optional tolerance parameter. This command removes existing objects and creates new features. The specified objects are used as initial merge set. It is possible that the merge operation will also affect objects that are directly or indirectly connected to the initial merge set (e.g. the lines connected to explicitly specified points will implicitly be taken into account during the merge operation).
- mesh
- Generates a mesh.
- meshd
- Generates a mesh based on element dimension specified in length units rather than as a factor.
- move
- Moves an object.
- movementfunction
- Adds a movement function.
- movepoint
- Moves a point of a polygon or water level.
- multiply
- Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
- n2nanchor
- Adds node-to-node anchor features to lines.
- neginterface
- Adds negative interface features to structural surfaces.
- nurbscurve
- Creates a nurbs curve.
- nurbssurface
- Creates a nurbs surface.
- __observers
- Displays internal information about observers connected to an object, for debugging purposes.
- phase
- Creates a new phase.
- plate
- Adds plate features to structural surfaces.
- platemat
- Creates a plate material set.
- point
- Creates a point.
- pointmovement
- Creates a point movement.
- pointdispl
- Adds point prescribed displacement features to points.
- pointload
- Adds point load features to points.
- polycurve
- Creates a polycurve.
- polycurvechain
- Creates a polycurve chain inside the tunnel designer.
- posinterface
- Adds positive interface features to structural surfaces.
- __predict
- Predicts whether a command will potentially succeed or is guaranteed to fail.
- preview
- Views the mesh in a specified phase.
- projectpoints
- Projects the points of a non-flat surface onto its plane.
- __raise
- Generates an error in order to test the error catching functionality.
- __raiseasync
- Generates an error in an asynchronous thread in order to test the error catching functionality.
- __raisethreaded
- Generates an error in a synchronous thread in order to test the error catching functionality.
- redo
- Redo actions to which undo was applied.
- refine
- Requests a finer mesh for a meshable object.
- regenerate
- Regenerates the staged construction properties of objects in particular phases. Regeneration consists of two steps: determining which properties in which phases should be reset, followed by finding out what the new values should be and applying those values.
- reinforcement
- Adds rockbolts to a polycurve chain.
- __removeintermediatesteps
- Removes saved intermediate calculation steps.
- removetunnelphasestep
- Removes a phase step from a tunnel sequence.
- removetunnelphaseroutine
- Removes a tunnel phase routine from a tunnel.
- rename
- Renames an object.
- __reportmem
- Reports memory usage
- reset
- Clears the contents of a polycurve with the option to add one or more new segments.
- revolve
- Creates a surface or volume by revolution of a line or surface around an axis
- rigidbody
- Creates a rigid body.
- resetlocal
- Requests a reset of the fineness of a mesh.
- retrievesuggestedparameters
- Retrieves suggested parameters for a phase.
- rotate
- Rotates objects around a point.
- rotateline
- Rotates objects around a line.
- save
- Saves the project.
- __saveobjects
- Saves objects in the geometry to a file.
- selectmeshpoints
- Allows you to select points-of-interest in the mesh.
- set
- Changes the properties of an object in the project.
- setcolour
- Changes the colour of a material.
- setcurrentphase
- Makes a phase the current phase.
- setdefaultmaterial
- Forces an interface to use the material of the soil it is adjacent to.
- setglobalwaterlevel
- Changes the global water level.
- setinsertionpoint
- Sets the insertion point for solids and surfaces without moving the object itself.
- setmaterial
- Assigns a material to features.
- __setphysicalcpucount
- Displays or sets the amount of physical and logical CPUs.
- setproperties
- Changes properties of objects.
- setsoillayerlevel
- Changes the location of a soil layer boundary.
- setsoillayerporepressure
- Changes the pore pressures of a soil layer.
- __settoggle
- Sets a runtime toggle to true or false. This overrides any toggles that have already been specified.
- __setundostacksize
- Displays the amount of actions that can be undone and redone and the maximum revert stack size.
- setwaterdry
- Sets the pore pressure of one or more soil features to zero.
- setwaterinterpolate
- Sets that the pore pressure of one or more soil features should be interpolated.
- setwaterlevel
- Assigns a water level to one or more objects.
- __sleep
- Sets the number of milliseconds for computer to do nothing.
- slicemerge
- Merges specific slicing groups in a tunnel
- slicemergeall
- Merges all slicing groups in a tunnel
- slicingreset
- Resets all slicing groups in a tunnel
- sliceunmerge
- Unmerges specific slicing groups in a tunnel
- soillayerheight
- Changes the height of a soil layer.
- snap
- Snaps objects with a default tolerance value of 0.001 or with an optional tolerance parameter. This command does not remove existing objects, nor creates new geometry but only adjusts the object position. The arguments are commutative, which implies that they are taken in alphabetical order for snapping despite the order of input.
- snaplinear
- Snaps one or more points that are connected to a line to the object given as argument, in such a way that the orientation of the connected line does not change. This command does not remove existing objects, nor creates new geometry but only adjusts the object position.
- soil
- Adds soil features to volumes.
- soillayer
- Adds a soil layer.
- soilmat
- Creates a soil material set.
- sphere
- Creates a sphere.
- surface
- Creates a polygon.
- surfdispl
- Adds surface prescribed displacement features to structural surfaces.
- surfdrain
- Adds surface drain features to structural surfaces.
- surfgwfbc
- Adds surface groundwater flow boundary condition features to structural surfaces.
- surfload
- Adds surface load features to structural surfaces.
- symmetricclose
- Closes a polycurve symmetrically.
- tabulate
- Displays a table of properties for specified objects.
- __testasync
- Tests that asynchronous task execution works correctly.
- translateline
- Moves a line of an existing surface.
- transform
- Multiplies a multiplier by the scaling factor and writes these values into a new column. The default scaling factor is 1.0.
- tunnel
- Creates a tunnel at a specified location.
- undo
- Reverses actions.
- ungroup
- Ungroups a group of objects.
- usecustombottomsurface
- Enables or disables the use of a custom bottom surface for the soil body generated by boreholes.
- usecustomtopsurface
- Enables or disables the use of a custom top surface for the soil body generated by boreholes.
- validate
- Checks the Material parameters for invalid inputs
- view
- Displays the calculation results of a phase.
- viewmesh
- Displays the generated mesh.
- waterlevel
- Creates a new water level with one or more points at a specified location.
- well
- Adds well features to lines.
- __writephasestomesh
- Writes water and load conditions to files.