addpoint - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation


Adds a new point to a polygon or water level.
Adds a new point to an existing polygon.
addpoint Polygon_1 (1 2 3) Adds a new point with coordinates (1, 2, 3) to Polygon_1.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>
Point Point object reference The coordinates of the point which is to be inserted in the water level
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Polygon
Adds two or more new points to an existing polygon.
addpoint Polygon_1 (1 2 3) (4 5 6) Adds two new points with coordinates (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6) to Polygon_1.
<Point{2,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>>
Point{2,...} 2 Sequence of 2 or more points
Point Point object reference The coordinates of the point which is to be inserted in the water level
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number z z-coordinate
Mode Target
Geometry Polygon
Adds a new water point to an existing water level without specifying the pinc.
addpoint UserWaterLevel_1 (1 2 3) Adds a new point with coordinates (1, 2) and a zref of 3 to UserWaterLevel_1.
<Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>
Point Point object reference The coordinates of the point which is to be inserted in the water level
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number zref z-coordinate where the pore pressure is equal to zero
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Water level
Adds two or more new water points to an existing water level without specifying the pinc.
addpoint UserWaterLevel_1 (1 2 3) (4 5 6) Adds a new point with coordinates (1, 2) and a zref of 3 and a new point with coordinates (4, 5) and a zref of 6 to UserWaterLevel_1.
<Point{2,...}: <Point'|<Coords: Number' Number' Number'>'>>
Point{2,...} 2 Sequence of 2 or more points
Point Point object reference The coordinates of the point which is to be inserted in the water level
Coords Coordinates
Number x x-coordinate
Number y y-coordinate
Number zref z-coordinate where the pore pressure is equal to zero
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Water level