tabulate tbl
Displays a table of properties for specified objects.
Displays a table with specified objects.
tabulate LoadMultiplier_1 LoadMultiplier_2
Displays a table of listed load multipliers.
tabulate DisplacementMultiplier_1 DisplacementMultiplier_2
Displays a table of listed displacement multipliers.
tabulate HeadFunction_1 HeadFunction_2
Displays a table of listed head functions.
tabulate MovementFunctions
Displays a table of all movement functions.
tabulate PlateMat3D_1 GeogridMat_1
Displays a table of the listed objects.
tabulate Materials
Displays a table of all materials.
tabulate Lines
Displays a table of all line objects.
tabulate Points
Displays a table of all point objects.
tabulate Phases
Displays a table of phases.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | Objects to be displayed |
Mode | Target |
All | Global |
Displays a table of objects that fulfil a specified criterion.
tabulate Points "x<2"
Displays a table of all points that have an x-coordinate with a value lesser than 2.
tabulate SoilMat_1 SoilMat_2 "gammaSat gammaUnsat Gref"
Displays a table of three properties details for the listed soil materials.
tabulate Materials "SoilMat"
Displays a table of all soil materials.
tabulate Lines "LineLoad<>"
Displays a table of all lines that have a line load assigned to them.
tabulate Phases "ShouldCalculate=False"
Displays a table of all phases that are not to be calculated.
tabulate Lines "Length<=1"
Displays a table of all lines that have a length less or equal to 1.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'> Text'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | Objects to be displayed |
Text | Specified criterion | Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil |
Mode | Target |
All | Global |
Displays a table (with specified columns) of objects that fulfil a specified criterion.
tabulate (Line_1 Line_2) "First Second" "First=Point_1"
Displays a table of lines of which first point is Point_1. The table will show two columns: first and second line points.
tabulate Points "x" "x=2"
Displays a table of all points that have x-coordinate equal to 2. The table will show one column: x coordinates.
tabulate (Point_1 Point_2 Point_3) "x" "x>2"
Displays a table of points thet have x-coordinate greater than 2. The table will show one column: x coordinates.
tabulate Phases "Identification DeformCalcType MaxCores" "MaxCores=2"
Displays a table of all phases which max cores equals to 2. The table will show three columns: Identification, DeformCalcType, and MaxCores.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'> Text' Text'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | Object | Objects to be displayed |
Text | Table columns | Columns of the table |
Text | Specified criterion | Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil |
Mode | Target |
All | Global |
Displays a table of specified staged features in the specified phase.
tabulate (EmbeddedBeam_2_1 EmbeddedBeam_1_1) Phase_1
Displays a table of beams that are in Phase_1.
tabulate (EmbeddedBeam_2_1 EmbeddedBeam_1_1) InitialPhase
Displays a table of beams that are in the InitialPhase.
tabulate LineLoads Phase_2
Displays a table of line loads that are in Phase_2.
<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Staged user features from which the features should be displayed |
StagedFeatureListable | Staged feature list reference | List of the staged features from which the features should be displayed |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase from which the features should be displayed |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Displays a table of the values of the specified properties in columns, in the given phase.
tabulate (PointLoad_2_1 PointLoad_3_1) Phase_1 "Fx Fz"
Displays a table of point loads that are in Phase_1. The table will show two columns: Fx and Fz.
tabulate EmbeddedBeams InitialPhase "Fx Fz"
Displays a table of embedded beams that are in InitialPhase. The table will show two columns: Fx and Fz.
<<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'> Text'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Staged user features from which the properties should be displayed |
StagedFeatureListable | Staged feature list reference | List of the staged features from which the properties should be displayed |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase for which the property values should be displayed |
Text | Table columns | Columns of the table, i.e. names of the properties the values of which should be displayed. |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Displays a table of the values of the specified properties in columns, that fulfil the specified criteria in the given phase.
tabulate (PointLoad_1_1 PointLoad_2_1) Phase_1 "Fx Fy Fz" "Active=True"
Displays a table of point loads that are active in Phase_1. The table will show three columns: Fx, Fy, and Fz.
<<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'> Text' Text'>
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Staged user features from which the properties should be displayed |
StagedFeatureListable | Staged feature list reference | List of the staged features from which the properties should be displayed |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase from which the property values should be displayed |
Text | Table columns | Columns of the table |
Text | Specified criterion | Only objects fulfilling this criterion (typically the value of an intrinsic property in the specified phase) will be displayed |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Displays a list of phases in which staged feature is present.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2
Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is present.
<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>|PhaseListable'>>
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Name of the staged feature which should be displayed |
{2,...} 2 ∞ | Sequence of two or more objects | |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase from which the properties should be displayed |
PhaseListable | Phase list reference | Name of the phase list from which the property values should be displayed |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Displays a table of the values of the specified properties in columns, in the given phase.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2 "Active F"
Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is active.
<<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'|PhaseListable'>> Text'>
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Name of the staged feature which should be displayed |
{2,...} 2 ∞ | Sequence of two or more objects | |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase from which the properties should be displayed |
PhaseListable | Phase list reference | Name of the phase list from which the property values should be displayed |
Text | Table columns | Columns of the table |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Displays a table of the values of the specified properties in columns, that fulfil the specified criteria in the given phase.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2 "" "Active=True"
Displays a table of phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is active. The table will have all available columns (Active, Fx, Fy, F, and M).
<<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'|PhaseListable'>> Text' Text'>
StagedFeature | Staged feature reference | Name of the staged feature which should be displayed |
{2,...} 2 ∞ | Sequence of two or more objects | |
Phase | Phase reference | Name of the phase from which the features should be displayed |
PhaseListable | Phase list reference | Name of the phase list from which the features should be displayed |
Text | Table columns | Columns of the table |
Text | Specified criterion | Only objects fulfilling this criterion (typically the value of an intrinsic property in the specified phase) will be displayed |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |