mergeequivalents - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

mergeequivalents mereq

Merges objects with a default tolerance value of 0.001 or with an optional tolerance parameter. This command removes existing objects and creates new features. The specified objects are used as initial merge set. It is possible that the merge operation will also affect objects that are directly or indirectly connected to the initial merge set (e.g. the lines connected to explicitly specified points will implicitly be taken into account during the merge operation).
Merges objects with a default tolerance value of 0.001. This command removes existing objects and creates new features.
mergeequivalents Point_3 Point_5 Merges Point_3 and Point_5, with a default tolerance value of 0.001 and deletes Point_5 with Point_3 as the reference.
mergeequivalents Geometry Merges all objects with a default tolerance value of 0.001.
<{1,...}: PlxObject>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects used for merging
Mode Target
Geometry Global
Merges objects with a tolerance. This command removes existing objects and creates new features.
mergeequivalents Point_3 Point_5 1 Merges Point_3 and Point_5 with a tolerance of 1 length unit. It deletes Point_5 with Point_3 as the reference.
<{1,...}: PlxObject>'Number'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects used for merging
Number Number Tolerance value
Mode Target
Geometry Global