regenerate - PLAXIS 3D Input commands documentation

regenerate regen

Regenerates the staged construction properties of objects in particular phases. Regeneration consists of two steps: determining which properties in which phases should be reset, followed by finding out what the new values should be and applying those values.
Regenerates the staged construction properties of an object in a particular phase.
regenerate Volume_1 Phase_1 Regenerates the phase settings of Volume_1 in Phase_1.
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase in which the phase settings should be regenerated
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Object
Regenerates the phase settings in one or more staged construction phases.
regenerate (Geogrid_1 Geogrid_2) (Phase_1) Regenerates the phase settings of Geogrid_1 and Geogrid_2 in Phase_1.
<{1,...}: Regeneratable>' <{1,...}: Any>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
Regeneratable Object reference Name of the object of which the phase settings should be regenerated
Any Name of the phase in which the phase settings should be regenerated
Mode Target
Water levels, Staged construction Object