multiply mul
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply PointLoad_1 4
Multiplies components of PointLoad_1 with a factor of 4.
Number | Number | Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied |
Mode | Target |
All | Object |
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply LineLoad_1_1 "qx_start" Phase_3 2
<{1,...}: Text'>' PlxBasePhase' Number
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
Text | Property name | Name of property that should be multiplied |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase in which the object is to be multiplied |
Number | Number | Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied |
Mode | Target |
All | Object |
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply LineLoad_1 "qy_start" 2
Multiplies qy_start component of LineLoad_1 with a factor of 2.
multiply PointLoad_1 "Fy" "Fz" 10
Multiplies Fy and Dz components of PointLoad_1 with a factor of 10.
<{1,...}: Text'>' Number
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
Text | Property name | Name of property that should be multiplied |
Number | Number | Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied |
Mode | Target |
All | Object |
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (LineLoad_1 PointLoad_2.Fy) 2
Multiplies LineLoad_1 with a factor of 2 and the Fy component of PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
multiply (PointLoad_1 PointLoad_2) "Fy" 2
Multiplies Fy component of PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
multiply (PointLoad_1_1 PointLoad_2_1) "Fy" InitialPhase 2
Multiplies Fy component of PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 in the Initial phase with a factor of 2.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' <Everything>'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
PlxObject | PlxObject | Plaxis object to be multiplied |
Everything | Parameter | One or more parameters for the command that should be applied |
Mode | Target |
All | Object |
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (LineLoad_1 PointLoad_2) 2
Multiplies components of LineLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
Listable' Number'
Listable | Listable reference | Name of the listable to which the command should be applied |
Number | Number | Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied |
Mode | Target |
All | Global |
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (PointLoad_1 PointLoad_2) "Fy" 2
Multiplies Fy component PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
Listable' <{1,...}: Text'>' Number
Listable | Listable reference | Name of the listable to which the command should be applied |
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of one or more objects | |
Text | Parameter | Parameter required to be multiplied |
Number | Number | Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied |
Mode | Target |
All | Global |