Table of Contents
- AnchorMat3D
- Anchor material object.
- ArcProperties
- Properties describing the shape of an arc segment of a polycurve.
- Axis1
- First principal axis for the field stress.
- Axis2
- Second principal axis for the field stress.
- Beam
- Beam feature of a line.
- BeamMat
- Material set that can be assigned to a beam.
- Borehole
- Borehole in the geometry.
- BoreholeVolume
- Volume generated based on borehole soil layer data.
- BoreholeWaterLevel
- Water level surface generated based on pore pressure information in the boreholes.
- Connection
- Connection between two objects.
- ContourHelperPoint
- Contour helper point.
- ContourSurface
- Surface describing the contour of the soil model in the horizontal plane.
- CutObject
- CutObject of a point, line, polygon or volume.
- Deform
- Deformation feature on a phase, containing calculation parameters relevant to the deformation calculation.
- Deformations
- Deformations is a boundary condition feature.
- DischargeFunction
- Discharge function feature.
- DisplacementMultiplier
- Displacement multiplier.
- Dynamics
- Dynamics is a staged construction feature.
- EmbeddedBeam
- Embedded beam feature of a line.
- EmbeddedBeamMat
- Material set that can be assigned to an embedded beam.
- Feature
- Feature, an entity that allows additional behaviours to be attached to and modelled by a parent object.
- FieldData
- Field data for generation of soil layers
- FieldStress
- Setup field stress in initial phase.
- FixedEndAnchor
- Fixed-end anchor feature of a point.
- Flow
- Flow feature on a phase, containing calculation parameters relevant to the flow calculation.
- Geogrid
- Geogrid feature of a surface.
- GeogridMat
- Material set that can be assigned to a geogrid.
- GlobalBC
- Global boundary conditions.
- GroundwaterFlow
- Groundwater flow is a boundary condition feature.
- Group
- Group of one or more objects in the geometry.
- HeadFunction
- Head function feature.
- HelperLine
- Helper line object.
- HelperPoint
- Helper point object.
- InitialPhase
- Initial phase object.
- Line
- Line object in the geometry.
- LineDisplacement
- Line prescribed displacement feature of a line.
- LineDrain
- Line drain feature of a line.
- LineLoad
- Line load feature of a line.
- LineProperties
- Properties describing the shape of a line segment of a polycurve.
- LoadMultiplier
- Load multiplier.
- Materials
- A list containing all the defined materials in a project.
- MeshOptions
- Options of the mesh.
- Model
- A two dimensional geometry model composed of points, lines, polygons and other components.
- Movement
- Movement feature of a line.
- MovementFunction
- Movement function of a line.
- NegativeInterface
- Negative interface feature of a surface.
- NodeToNodeAnchor
- Node-to-node anchor feature of a line.
- NonGeometricCutObject
- Non-geometric cut object.
- NURBSSurface
- NURBS surface.
- Phase
- Staged construction phase. Phase features depend on the selected deformation calculation type or flow calculation type.
- PhasesDefinition
- Phase definition feature describing sequencing for tunnels.
- Plate
- Plate feature of a surface.
- PlateMat3D
- Plate material object.
- PlxGeometry
- Geometry object.
- PlxObservableObject
- Observable object.
- Point
- Point object in the geometry.
- PointDisplacement
- Point prescribed displacement feature of a point.
- PointLoad
- Point load feature of a point.
- Polycurve
- Polycurve object in the geometry.
- PolycurveChain
- Polycurve chain object for connecting rock bolts to the tunnel cross-section.
- PolycurveSurface
- Polycurve surface.
- PolycurveWithSubsections
- Polycurve with subsections.
- Polygon
- Polygon object in the geometry.
- PositiveInterface
- Positive interface feature of a surface.
- Precipitation
- Precipitation is a staged construction feature.
- Project
- Project.
- Pseudostatic
- Pseudostatic is a staged construction feature.
- RigidBody
- Rigid body in geometry.
- Reached
- Reached values after the calculation of a phase.
- RockBoltsPerpendicular
- Rock bolts in tunnel geometry.
- Segment
- Segment of a polycurve.
- SliceGroup
- Defines slices for tunnels.
- Slicing
- Slicing feature for tunnels.
- Soillayer
- Soil layer.
- SoillayerBoundary
- Boundary between two soil layers.
- SoilLayerBoundaryLevel
- Soil layer boundary level describing a surface of a soil layer based on the data from the broeholess.
- SoilMat
- Material set that can be assigned to a soil.
- SourceEntity
- Source entity.
- Surface
- Surface object in the geometry.
- SurfaceContraction
- Surface contraction feature of a surface.
- StagedFeature
- Staged feature.
- SubsectionPolycurve
- Subsection of a polycurve.
- SurfaceDisplacement
- Surface prescribed displacement feature of a surface.
- SurfaceDrain
- Surface drain feature of a surface.
- SurfaceGWFlowBC
- Surface groundwater flow boundary condition of a surface.
- SurfaceLoad
- Surface load feature of a surface.
- Tunnel
- Tunnel object in the geometry.
- TunnelAdvanceInfo
- Advancement information for tunnels.
- TunnelPart
- Tunnel part in the geometry.
- TunnelPartCurve
- Tunnel part curve in the geometry.
- TunnelPhasesRoutine
- Tunnel phases routine.
- UserWaterLevel
- User water level.
- Volume
- Volume object in the geometry.
- VolumeStrain
- Volume strain.
- Water
- Water is a staged construction feature.
- WaterConditions
- Water conditions of a soil volume.
- WaterLevel
- Water level.
- WaterLevelHelperPoint
- Water level helper point.
- Well
- Well feature of a line.