PhasesDefinition - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Phase definition feature describing sequencing for tunnels.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the phases definition feature.
Comments Comments - Comments on the phases definition feature.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the phases definition feature.
Parent Parent - Name of the parent tunnel object of the phases definition feature.
ExcavationMethod Excavation method -
Front of the tunnel moves forward during each advancement step.
Front of the tunnel can be fixed or delayed for a specified number of steps.
SlicesInActiveScope Slices in active scope - Allows to fix the front of the tunnel for the defined number of slices while the back moves forward.
DelayedSteps Delayed steps - Allows to delay the advancement from moving into the next slice for the defined number of steps.
PhasesDefinitionNeedsRegeneration Phases definition needs regeneration - Internal property.