SliceGroup - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Defines slices for tunnels.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the slice group object.
Comments Comments - Comments on the slice group object.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the slice group object.
Parent Parent - Name of the parent tunnel object.
SlicingMethod Slicing method -
Create slices based on a specified value of slice length.
Create slices based on number of slices.
SliceLength Slice length Length Length of each individual slice.
StartingFrom Starting from - The slicing will start from the beginning or end of the specified segment.
TotalLength Total length Length Total length of the segments on which the slicing method will be applied.
NumberOfSlices Number of slices - Number of slices to create.
ExtraSliceLength Extra slice length Length Length of the extra slice segment if the total length is not divisible by the slice length.