Model - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


A two dimensional geometry model composed of points, lines, polygons and other components.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the model.
Comments Comments - Comments on the model.
Name name - Name of a movement feature.
TypeName typename - TypeName of a movement feature.
Comments comments - Comments on a movement feature.
UserFeatures userfeatures - UserFeatures of the subsection of the movement feature.
CurrentPhase CurrentPhase - The current phase in Staged construction mode.
Coarseness Coarseness - Mesh coarseness factor.
MaxCPUs MaxCPUs - Maximum number of cores supported by default
UseEnhancedRefinements Use enhanced refinements Boolean Whether use mesh enhanced refinements
EMRGlobalScale EMRGlobalScale Boolean Global enhanced mesh refinement scale
EMRMinElementSize EMRMinElementSize - Minimum enhanced mesh refinement element size.
EMRProximity EMRProximity - Enhanced mesh refinement proximity
ElementRelativeSize ElementRelativeSize - Relative element size.
ElementDimension ElementDimension - Dimension of an element