SurfaceGWFlowBC - PLAXIS 3D Input objects documentation


Surface groundwater flow boundary condition of a surface.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the surface groundwater flow boundary condition.
Comments Comments - Comments on the surface groundwater flow boundary condition.
Parent Parent - Name of the surface where the surface groundwater flow boundary condition is applied to.
Behaviour Behaviour -
Allows groundwater flow through this boundary.
Prevents groundwater flow through this boundary.
Prescribes a certain head in this boundary.
Allows inflow through this boundary.
Allows outflow through this boundary.
Allows infiltration through this boundary.
Constant value from previous phase
The boundary condition is set to the same value as the previous phase.
Maintain function from previous phase
The boundary condition continues calculating with the same function as the previous phase.
Distribution Distribution -
The distribution is set to constant.
The distribution is set to linear.
Time dependency Time dependency -
The time dependency is set to constant.
Time dependent
The time dependency is set to time dependent.
Href href Length Reference value of the groundwater head.
Pref pref Force/Length2 Reference value of the pore pressure.
|Qref| |qref| Force/Length2 Absolute value of discharge when surface groundwater flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow.
q_inc,z qinc,z Length3/Time/Length Incremental discharge when the groundwater flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with linear distribution.
psi_min {ψ}min Length The minimum head value when the groundwater flow boundary condition is set to infiltration.
psi_max {ψ}max Length The maximum head value when the groundwater flow boundary condition is set to infiltration.
P_ref pref Force/Length2 Reference value of the pore pressure.