Material set that can be assigned to a soil.
Property | Long name | Unit | Description |
Name | Name | - | Name of the soil material. |
Comments | Comments | - | Comments on the soil material. |
MaterialName | Identification | - | Identification of the soil material. |
Colour | Colour | - | Colour of the soil material. |
MaterialNumber | Identification number | - | Identification number of the soil material. |
TypeName | Type name | - | TypeName of the soil material. |
UserFeatures | UserFeatures | - | UserFeatures of the soil material object. |
SoilModel | Material model | - |
UserDefinedIndex | UserDefinedIndex | - | Index number of the soil model from the DLL file that is currently used. |
DrainageType | Drainage type | - |
DilatancyCutOff | Dilatancy cut-off | - |
UndrainedBehaviour | Undrained behaviour | - |
InterfaceStrength | Strength | - |
K0PrimaryIsK0Secondary | K0PrimaryIsK0Secondary | - |
K0Determination | K0 determination | - |
Gref | Gref | Force/Length2 | Reference value of the shear modulus. |
cref | cref | Force/Length2 | Reference value of the cohesion. |
phi | φ | ° | Friction angle of the soil material. |
psi | ψ | ° | Dilatancy angle of the soil material. |
verticalref | verticalref | Length | Reference coordinate on the vertical axis above which the Young'Time modulus is equal to the reference value. |
cinc | cincrement | Force/Length2/Length | Increment of cohesion. |
K0 | K0 | - | Coefficient of lateral earth pressure. |
gammaUnsat | γunsat | Force/Length3 | Unit soil weight above phreatic level. |
gammaSat | γsat | Force/Length3 | Unit soil weight below phreatic level. |
Rinter | Rinter | - | Strength reduction factor for interfaces. |
perm_primary_horizontal_axis | perm_primary_horizontal_axis | Length/T | Permeability of the soil along the primary horizontal axis. |
perm_secondary_horizontal_axis | perm_secondary_horizontal_axis | Length/T | Permeability of the soil along the secondary horizontal axis. |
perm_vertical_axis | perm_vertical_axis | Length/T | Permeability of the soil along the vertical axis. |
TensileStrength | Tensile strength | Force/Length2 | Allowable tensile strength in the soil. |
UDPower | UD-Power | - | Power in stress dependent stiffness rule of interfaces with a user defined soil model. |
verticalinc | verticalinc | - | Slope of reference plane. |
Ginc | Ginc | Force/Length2/Length | Increment of the shear modulus. |
ninit | ninit | - | Initial porosity. |
nmin | nmin | - | Minimum porosity. |
nmax | nmax | - | Maximum porosity. |
gammaPore | γpore | Force/Length3 | Weight of pore fluid. |
RayleighAlpha | Rayleigh α | - | Rayleigh damping parameter. |
RayleighBeta | Rayleigh β | - | Rayleigh damping parameter. |
ck | ck | - | Change of permeability. |
nuu | νu | - | Poisson'Time ratio for undrained behaviour. |
UDPRef | UD-Pref | Force/Length2 | User defined reference pressure. |
einit | einit | - | Initial void ratio. |
emin | emin | - | Minimum void ratio. |
emax | emax | - | Maximum void ratio. |
Dinter | δinter | Length | Real interface thickness. |
SkemptonB | Skempton-B | - | Skempton'Time B-parameter. |
KwRefN | Kw,ref/n | Force/Length2 | Reference bulk stiffness of the pore fluid. |
K0Primary | K0Primary | - | Coefficient of lateral earth pressure in the direction of the primary horizontal axis. |
K0Secondary | K0Secondary | - | Coefficient of lateral earth pressure in the direction of the secondary horizontal axis. |
OCR | OCR | - | Over-consolidation ratio. |
POP | POP | Force/Length2 | Pre overburden pressure, positive for (over)pressure. |
nu | ν | - | Poisson'Time ratio. |
SoilRatioSmall | < 2μLength | % | Percentage of the soil material that has a grain size smaller than 2 μLength. |
SoilRatioMedium | 2μLength - 50 μLength | % | Percentage of the soil material that has a grain size between 2 μLength and 50 μLength. |
SoilRatioLarge | 50 μLength - 2 mm | % | Percentage of the soil material that has a grain size between 50 μLength and 2 mm. |
StaringSoilRatioSmall | < 2μLength | % | Percentage of the Staring soil material that has a grain size smaller than 2 μLength. |
StaringSoilRatioMedium | 2μLength - 63 μLength | % | Percentage of the Staring soil material that has a grain size between 2 μLength and 63 μLength. |
StaringSoilRatioLarge | 63 μLength - 2 mm | % | Percentage of the Staring soil material that has a grain size between 63 μLength and 2 mm. |
PsiUnsat | ψunsat | Length | Limit of the head for the unsaturated zone. |
VoidRatio | einit | - | The ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solid particles. |
Sres | Sres | - | Residual saturation of the soil material. |
Ssat | Ssat | - | Saturation of the soil material. |
Gn | gn | - | Van Genuchten parameter. |
Ga | ga | 1/Length | Van Genuchten parameter. |
Gl | gl | - | Van Genuchten parameter. |
PsiK | Ψk | Length | Approximate Van Genuchten parameter. |
PsiS | ΨTime | Length | Approximate Van Genuchten parameter. |
HydraulicModel | HydraulicModel | - |
FlowDataModel | FlowDataModel | - | Currently not in use. |
DefaultValuesAdvanced | Set to default values | - |
DataSetFlow | Data set | - |
ModelFlow | Model | - |
UDModelFlow | Model | - |
SoilTypeFlow | Type | - |
LowerUpper | Subsoil/Topsoil | - |
UsdaSoilType | Type | - |
StaringUpperSoilType | Type | - |
StaringLowerSoilType | Type | - |
M50 | M50 | - |
DefaultValuesFlow | Set to default values | - |
TablePsiPermSat | TablePsiPermSat | - | Table defining the relation between Ψ, the permeability and the saturation of the soil. |
SplinePsiPerm | SplinePsiPerm | - | Table defining the relation between Ψ and the permeability of the soil. |
SplinePsiSat | SplinePsiSat | - | Table defining the relation between Ψ and the saturation of the soil. |
TensionCutOff | Tension cut-off | - |
Eref | Eref | Force/Length2 | Reference Young'Time modulus. |
Eoed | Eeod | Force/Length2 | Oedometer modulus. |
Vs | VTime | Length/T | Shear wave velocity. |
Vp | Vp | Length/T | Compression wave velocity. |
einc | einc | Force/Length2/Length | Increment of the void ratio. |
CVRef | Cv,ref | Length2/T | Kinematic viscosity. |
UseAlternatives | Use alternatives | - |
E50ref | E50ref | Force/Length2 | Secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test. |
EoedRef | Eoedref | Force/Length2 | Tangent stiffness for primary oedometer loading. |
EurRef | Eurref | Force/Length2 | Unloading/reloading stiffness at engineering strains. |
ErefOed50 | Eoed,50ref | Force/Length2 | Interface oedometer modulus. |
ErefUr50 | ErefUr50 | - | Currently not in use. |
powerm | power (Length) | - | Power for stress-level dependency of stiffness. |
Pref | pref | Force/Length2 | Reference stress for stiffnesses. |
Rf | Rf | - | Failure ratio qf/qa. |
M | M | - | Tangent of the critical state line. |
Kfac | Kfac | - | Stiffness ratio for loading and unloading. |
Gi0ref | Gi0ref | - | Initial shear stiffness. |
K0nc | K0nc | - | Coefficient of lateral earth pressure for a normally consolidated stress state. |
Cc | Cc | - | Compression index. |
Cs | CTime | - | Swelling- or reloading index. |
FailureCriterion | FailureCriterion | - |
G0ref | G0ref | Force/Length2 | Reference shear modulus. |
gamma07 | γ0.7 | - | Shear strain level where the secant shear modulus is reduced to 70% of G0. |
lambdaModified | λ* | - | Modified compression index. |
kappaModified | κ* | - | Modified swelling index. |
LambdaKappa | λ*/κ* | - | Ratio of the modified compression index to the modified swelling index. |
MuModified | μ* | - | Modified creep index or secondary compression index. |
Ca | Cα | - | Creep index for secondary compression. |
TensionCutOff1 | Tension cut-off | - |
TensionCutOff2 | Tension cut-off | - |
TensionCutOff3 | Tension cut-off | - |
Eref1 | E1 | Force/Length2 | Young'Time modulus for rock as a continuum. |
Gref1 | G1 | Force/Length2 | Shear modulus for rock as a continuum. |
nu1 | ν1 | - | Poisson'Time ratio for rock as a continuum. |
Eref2 | E2 | Force/Length2 | Young'Time modulus perpendicular to 'Plane 1' direction. |
nu2 | ν2 | - | Poisson'Time ratio perpendicular to 'Plane 1' direction. |
G2 | G2 | Force/Length2 | Shear modulus perpendicular to 'Plane 1' direction. |
NumberOfPlanesIndex | Number of planes | - |
NumberOfPlanes | NumberOfPlanes | - | Number of planes. |
cref1 | cref | Force/Length2 | Cohesion in Plane 1 direction. |
phi1 | φ | ° | Friction angle in Plane 1 direction. |
psi1 | ψ | ° | Dilatancy angle in Plane 1 direction. |
alpha11 | α1 | ° | Dip angle in Plane 1 direction. |
alpha21 | α2 | ° | Dip direction in Plane 1 direction. |
TensileStrength1 | Tensile strength | Force/Length2 | Tensile strength in Plane 1 direction. |
cref2 | cref | Force/Length2 | Cohesion in Plane 2 direction. |
phi2 | φ | ° | Friction angle in Plane 2 direction. |
psi2 | ψ | ° | Dilatancy angle in Plane 2 direction. |
alpha12 | α1 | ° | Dip angle in Plane 2 direction. |
alpha22 | α2 | ° | Dip direction in Plane 2 direction. |
TensileStrength2 | Tensile strength | Force/Length2 | Tensile strength in Plane 2 direction. |
cref3 | cref | Force/Length2 | Cohesion in Plane 3 direction. |
phi3 | φ | ° | Friction angle in Plane 3 direction. |
psi3 | ψ | ° | Dilatancy angle in Plane 3 direction. |
alpha13 | α1 | ° | Dip angle in Plane 3 direction. |
alpha23 | α2 | ° | Dip direction in Plane 3 direction. |
TensileStrength3 | Tensile strength | Force/Length2 | Tensile strength in Plane 3 direction. |
lambda | λ | - | Cam-Clay compression index. |
kappa | κ | - | Cam-Clay swelling index. |
UnloadingShearStiffness | Gur/TimeuA | - | Unloading shear stiffness. |
RelativeTriaxialCompressiveShearStrength | TimeuC,TX/SuA | - | Relative triaxial compressive shear strength. |
ReferenceDepth | yref | Length | Reference depth. |
IncreaseOfShearStrengthWithDepth | ΔTimeuA/Δy | Force/Length2/Length | Increase of the shear strength over the depth. |
ReferenceShearStrength | TimeuA,ref | Force/Length2/Length | Reference shear strength. |
RelativeDirectShearStrength | TimeuDSS/TimeuA | - | Relative direct shear strength. |
RelativePassiveStrength | TimeuP/TimeuA | - | Relative passive strength. |
InitialMobilization | τ0/TimeuA | - | Initial mobilization. |
AxialFailureStrainTriaxialCompression | ε1fC,TX | % | Axial failure strain in triaxial compression. |
ShearFailureStrainDirectSimpleShear | γfDSS | % | Shear failure strain in direct simple shear. |
AxialFailureStrainTriaxialExtension | ε1fE,TX | % | Axial failure strain in triaxial extension. |
AdvancedParameterDivFailureStrainTriaxBiax | a2 | - | Advanced parameter controlling difference in failure strain from triaxial and biaxial. |
UnconfinedCompressiveStrength | σci | Force/Length2 | Unconfined compressive strength. |
HoekBrownParameter | Lengthi | - | Hoek-Brown parameter. |
GeologicalStrengthIndex | GSI | - | Geological strength index. |
DisturbanceFactor | D | - | Disturbance factor. |
MaximumDilitationAngle | Ψmax | ° | Maximum dilitation angle. |
MinorPrincipalStress | σΨ | Force/Length2 | Minor principal stress. |
InitialStiffnessAtSigma0 | Gini | Force/Length2 | Initial stiffness at σ=0. |
CrackClosureStress | σcc | Force/Length2 | Crack closure stress. |
FactorOfSafety | FS | - | Factor of safety. |
YieldSurfaceType | xMod | - | Yield surface type. |
PotentialFunction | iPot | - | Potential function. |
UserDLLName | DLL file | - | Name of the DLL file containing the user defined models. |
UserModel | Model in DLL | - | Name of the soil model from the DLL file that is currently used. |
User1 | User1 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User2 | User2 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User3 | User3 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User4 | User4 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User5 | User5 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User6 | User6 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User7 | User7 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User8 | User8 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User9 | User9 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User10 | User10 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User11 | User11 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User12 | User12 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User13 | User13 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User14 | User14 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User15 | User15 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User16 | User16 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User17 | User17 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User18 | User18 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User19 | User19 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User20 | User20 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User21 | User21 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User22 | User22 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User23 | User23 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User24 | User24 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User25 | User25 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User26 | User26 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User27 | User27 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User28 | User28 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User29 | User29 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User30 | User30 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User31 | User31 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User32 | User32 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User33 | User33 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User34 | User34 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User35 | User35 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User36 | User36 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User37 | User37 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User38 | User38 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User39 | User39 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User40 | User40 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User41 | User41 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User42 | User42 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User43 | User43 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User44 | User44 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User45 | User45 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User46 | User46 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User47 | User47 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User48 | User48 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User49 | User49 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |
User50 | User50 | - | User-defined soil material parameter. |