Soil - PLAXIS 3D Output objects documentation


Result types for soil
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the Soil.
Comments Comments - Comments on the Soil.
X X Length x coordinate
Y Y Length y coordinate
Z Z Length z coordinate
Ux ux Length Total displacement in x direction
Uy uy Length Total displacement in y direction
Uz uz Length Total displacement in z direction
Utot |u| Length Total displacement
dUx Δux Length Incremental displacement in x direction
dUy Δuy Length Incremental displacement in y direction
dUz Δuz Length Incremental displacement in z direction
dUtot |Δu| Length Total incremental displacement
PUx Pux Length Summed displacement per phase in x direction
PUy Puy Length Summed displacement per phase in y direction
PUz Puz Length Summed displacement per phase in z direction
PUtot |Pu| Length Total summed displacement per phase
Vx vx Length/Time Velocity in x direction
Vy vy Length/Time Velocity in y direction
Vz vz Length/Time Velocity in z direction
Vtot |v| Length/Time Total velocity
Ax ax Length/Time2 Acceleration in x direction
Ay ay Length/Time2 Acceleration in y direction
Az az Length/Time2 Acceleration in z direction
Atot |a| Length/Time2 Total acceleration
Epsxx εxx - Cartesian strain in x direction
Epsyy εyy - Cartesian strain in y direction
Epszz εzz - Cartesian strain in z direction
Gamxy γxy - Total cartesian strain
Gamyz γyz - Total cartesian strain
Gamzx γzx - Total cartesian strain
dEpsxx Δεxx - Incremental cartesian strain in x direction
dEpsyy Δεyy - Incremental cartesian strain in y direction
Gamyz γyz - Total cartesian strain
Gamzx γzx - Total cartesian strain
dGamxy γxy - Incremental cartesian strain
PEpsxx xx - Phase cartesian strain in x direction
PEpsyy yy - Phase cartesian strain in y direction
PEpszz zz - Phase cartesian strain in z direction
PGamxy xy - Phase cartesian strain
PGamyz yz - Phase cartesian strain
PGamzx zx - Phase cartesian strain
Eps1 ε1 - Principal strain in first direction
Eps2 ε2 - Principal strain in second direction
Eps3 γ3 - Principal strain in third direction
dEps1 ε1 - Incremental principal strain in first direction
dEps2 ε2 - Incremental principal strain in second direction
dEps3 ε3 - Incremental principal strain in third direction
PEps1 1 - Phase principal strain in first direction
PEps2 2 - Phase principal strain in second direction
PEps3 3 - Phase principal strain in third direction
PhaseVolumetricStrain V - Phase volumetric strain
PhaseDeviatoricStrain Time - Phase deviatoric strain
IncrementalDeviatoricStrain γTime - Incremental deviatoric strain
IncrementalVolumetricStrain εV - Incremental volume strain
TotalDeviatoricStrain γTime - Total deviatoric strain
TotalVolumetricStrain εV - Total volume strain
SigxxE σ'xx Force/Length2 Cartesian effective stress in x direction
SigyyE σ'yy Force/Length2 Cartesian effective stress in y direction
SigzzE σzz Force/Length2 Cartesian effective stress in z direction
SigxxT σxx Force/Length2 Cartesian total stress in x direction
SigyyT σyy Force/Length2 Cartesian total stress in y direction
SigzzT NEEDS TO BE FILLED Force/Length2 z-axis total stress
Sigxy σxy Force/Length2 Cartesian shear stress
Sigyz σyz Force/Length2 Cartesian shear stress
Sigzx σzx Force/Length2 Cartesian shear stress
MeanEffStress p' Force/Length2 Effective mean stress
MeanTotStress p Force/Length2 Total mean stress
RelativeShearStress τrel - Relative shear stress
DeviatoricStress q Force/Length2 Deviatoric stress
PExcess pexcess Force/Length2 Excess pore pressure in soil elements
PActive pactive Force/Length2 Active pore pressure
GWHead Groundwater head Length Groundwater head
PSteady psteady Force/Length2 Steady state pore pressure
FlowField |q| Length/Time Groundwater flow
Qx qx Length/Time Groundwater flow in x direction
Qy qy Length/Time Groundwater flow in y direction
Qz qz Length/Time Groundwater flow in z direction
Saturation Saturation % Saturation (as a percentage) in stress points
IsotropicOCR Isotropic overconsolidation ratio Stress Isotropic overconsolidation ratio
PlasticPointTypeText Status -
Type of the plastic point
First points
The first three points of the surface are used to define the plane of the surface.
Best fit
All points of the surface are used to define the plane of the surface using the least squares method.
SigmaTotal1 σ1 Force/Length2 Principal total stress in first direction
SigmaTotal2 σ2 Force/Length2 Principal total stress in second direction
SigmaTotal3 σ3 Force/Length2 Principal total stress in third direction
PrincipalTotalStress Total principal stress Stress Total principal stress
MobilizedShearStrength τmob Force/Length2 Mobilized shear strength
TotPrincipalStrain Total principle strain - Total principal strain
IncPrincipalStrain Incremental principal strain - Incremental principal strain
PrincipalEffectiveStress Effective principal stress Stress Effective principal stress
SigmaEffective1 σ'1 Force/Length2 Principal effective stress in the first direction
SigmaEffective2 σ'2 Force/Length2 Principal effective stress in the second direction
SigmaEffective3 σ'3 Force/Length2 Principal effective stress in the third direction
EquivalentIsotropicStress peq Force/Length2 Equivalent isotropic stress
IsotropicPreconsolidationStress pp Force/Length2 Isotropic preconsolidation stress
VoidRatio e - Void ratio
E E Force/Length2 Current Young's modulus
C c Force/Length2 Current cohesion
Phi φ ° Mobilized phi from stress tensor
QualityLength QualityLength - The ratio between the smallest and largest edge of an element
QualityArea QualityArea - The ratio between the smallest and largest triangle area of a single volume element. Is undefined for 2D soil elements and should not be relied on
QualityAngle QualityAngle - The ratio between the smallest triangle angle and $\pi $/3 in soil elements
QualityQ QualityQ - Given the inscribed circle A and the circumscribed circle B of a 2D soil element. Then Q = 2 · radius_A / radius_B. For 3D soil elements the minimum over the 4 triangles is taken
QualityVolumeQ QualityVolumeQ - Given the inscribed sphere A and the circumscribed sphere B of a 3D soil element. Then Q = 2 · radius_A / radius_B. Is undefined for 2D soil elements and should not be relied on
SigmaTSum2 12)/2 Force/Length2 Principal total stress in first direction
SigmaTMin2 12)/2 Force/Length2 Principal total stress in second direction
SigmaTRotation Rotation ° Angle between the second principal stress and x-axis
SigmaESum2 (σ'1+σ'2)/2 Force/Length2 Principal effective stress
EpsSum2 13)/2 - Total strain
EpsMin2 13)/2 - Effective strain
EpsRotation Rotation ° Angle between the second principal strain and x-axis
dEpsSum2 (Δε1 + Δε3)/2 - Incremental principal strain (Δε1 + Δε3)/2
dEpsMin2 (Δε1 - Δε3)/2 - Incremental principal strain (Δε1 - Δε3)/2
dEpsRotation Rotation ° the incremental angle bewteen the second principal strain and x-axis
PEpsSum2 (Pε1 + Pε3)/2 - Phase principal strain Pε1 + Pε3)/2
PEpsMin2 (Pε1 - Pε3)/2 - Phase principal strain (Pε1 - Pε3)/2
PEpsRotation Rotation ° The per phase angle bewteen the second principal strain and x-axis
HardParam γp - Plastic shear strain
StrainHistory_xx εxx – εv - Strain history εxx – εv
StrainHistory_yy εyy – εv - Strain history εyy – εv
StrainHistory_zz εzz – εv - Strain history εzz – εv
StrainHistory_xy εxy - Strain history εxy
StrainHistory_zx εzx - Strain history εzx
StrainHistory_xy εxy - Strain history in xy-plane
StrainHistory_zx εzx - Strain history in zx-plane
StrainHistory_yz εyz - Strain history in yz-plane
CurrentStiff GTime Force/Length2 Current stiffness
MinRelStiff G/Gur - Minimum relative stiffness
Agx ax('g') - Acceleration in g in x direction
Agy ay('g') - Acceleration in g in y direction
Agz az('g') - Acceleration in g in z direction
Agtot |a|('g') - Total acceleration in g
Fx Fx Force Force in the x-direction
Fy Fy Force Force in the y-direction
Fz Fz Force Force in the z-direction
U1 u1 Length Total displacement in first local axis direction
U2 u2 Length Total displacement in second local axis direction
U3 u3 Length Total displacement in third local axis direction
dU1 Δu1 Length Incremental displacement in first local axis direction
dU2 Δu2 Length Incremental displacement in second local axis direction
dU3 Δu3 Length Incremental displacement in third local axis direction
PU1 Pu1 Length Summed displacement per phase in first local axis direction
PU2 Pu2 Length Summed displacement per phase in second local axis direction
PU3 Pu3 Length Summed displacement per phase in third local axis direction
RelPermeability Permeabilityrel - Relative permeability in stress points
Suction Suction Force/Length2 Suction
EffSaturationAsPercentage Saturationeff % Effective saturation
Volume Volume Length3 The volume of the soil element. Returns the area for 2D soil elements
Area Area Length2 Element area
Height Elevation Length Elevation
PSteadyWithSuction Steady state pore pressures with suction Pressure Steady state pore pressure with suction
IsCurved Is curved - Returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the element is curved. Might be related to the updated mesh option that can be set in Input
CurvatureFactor Curvature factor - The amount of curvature in 3D soil elements. 0 for 2D elements
Eur Eur Force/Length2 Strength parameter
TotalShearStrength τmax - Total shear strength
ASSGammaP γp - Strength variable of NGI-ADP model
ASSRKappa - Strength variable of NGI-ADP model
QualitySpheres Quality spheres - Equal to QualityVolumeQ
QualityMeshSICN SICN - 1 when the mesh element is a perfect tetrahedron
MaterialID Material - ID of material used by element
UtotMin |u|min Length always 0, exists for completeness
VtotMin |v|min always 0, exists for completeness
AtotMin |a|min always 0, exists for completeness
AgtotMin |a|min('g') always 0, exists for completeness
PlasticPointHistoryMohrCoulomb Failure - Failure plastic point
PlasticPointHistoryTensionCutOff Plastic point history tension cut-off points - The stress points that are marked as tension cut-off points. The value is the same as what PlasticPoint returns for tension cut-off points, but all other stress points are 0
PlasticPointHistoryCapHardening Plastic point history cap + hardening points - The stress points that are marked as cap hardening points. The value is the same as what PlasticPoint returns for cap hardening points, but all other stress points are 0
PlasticPointHistoryLiquefaction Liquefaction - The stress points that are marked as liquefaction points
PlasticPointHistoryCap Cap - Capped plastic point
PlasticPointHistoryHardening Hardening - Hardening plastic point
SPUx ΣPux Length Summed displacement over phases in x direction
SPUy ΣPuy Length Summed displacement over phases in y direction
SPUz ΣPuz Length Summed displacement over phases in z direction
SPUtot |ΣPu| Length Total summed displacement over phases
PUtotMin |Pu|min always 0, exists for completeness
PVtotMin |Pv|min always 0, exists for completeness
PAtotMin |Pa|min always 0, exists for completeness
PAgtotMin |Pa|min('g') always 0, exists for completeness
SPUx ΣPux Length Summed x-component of displacement over phases
SPUy ΣPuy Length Summed y-component of node displacement over phases
SPUtot |ΣPu| Length Summed vector of node displacement over phases
PActivePhase ΔPphase Force/Length2 Active pore pressures per phase
PWater pwater Force/Length2 Pore water pressure
EffSuction Suctioneff Force/Length2 Effective suction
EffSaturationAsRatio Saturationeff % Effective saturation in soil elements
IceSaturationAsRatio Saturationice - Ice saturation of the soil. 0 to 1. Only for 2D
IceSaturationAsPercentage Saturationice % IceSaturationAsRatio · 100
Sig1_0 σ'10 Stress Effective principal stress in direction 1
PorePressureRatio Ru - The ratio between PExcess and Sig1_0
DeltaT Δt Time Age of concrete
Fc Fc Pressure Uniaxial compressive strength
Fcy Fcy Pressure Compressive yield strength
UtilFC UtilFC - Shotcrete utilisation factor in compression
UtilFT UtilFT - Shotcrete utilisation factor in tension
Hc Hc - Normalised compression hardening parameter
Ht Ht - Normalised tension hardening parameter
EpsxxcrE εxxcr∙E - Normalised creep history in xx direction
EpsyycrE εyycr∙E - Normalised creep history in yy direction
EpszzcrE εzzcr∙E - Normalised creep history in zz direction
EpsxycrE εxycr∙E - Normalised creep history in xy direction
EpsyzcrE εyzcr∙E - Normalised creep history in yz direction
EpsxzcrE εxzcr∙E - Normalised creep history in xz direction
SinPhiMob sinΦmob - Sine of the mobilised friction angle (a hardening parameter)
SinPhiMobMax sinΦmob,max - Sine of the maximum value of the mobilised friction angle
PhiPReached Φp,reached - A flag indicating if Φp has ever been reached or not
RUPEff ru,p' - Excess pore pressure ratio, considering mean effective stress: ru, p’ = 1 - p’/p’0
RUPEffMax ru,p',max - Maximum excess pore pressure ratio in the current phase, considering mean effective stress: ru, p’ = 1 - p’/p’0
RUSigEffVert ru,σ'v - Excess pore pressure ratio, considering vertical effective stress: ru, σ’v = 1 - σ’v/σ’v0
RUSigEffVertMax ru,σ'v,max - Maximum excess pore pressure ratio in the current phase, considering vertical effective stress: ru, σ’v = 1 - σ’v/σ’v0
EpsDilTot εdil,tot - Accumulated dilative plastic deviatoric strain
NRev nrev - Number of half cycles
POP POP Pressure Pre-overburden pressure
SigmaEffective1Max σ'1,max Pressure Maximum of principal effective stress SigmaEffective1
OCR1 OCR1 - Overconsolidation ration. The ratio of SigmaEffective1Max and SigmaEffective1
Deconfinement Deconfinement (1-β) % Deconfinement of soil clusters
NodeID Node ID - Returns the ID of the nodes
StressPointID Stress point ID - Returns the ID of the stress points
ElementID Element ID - Returns the soil element ID
ClusterID Cluster ID - Returns the soil cluster ID
LocalNumber Local number - The n-th node or stress point in a soil element (also displayed in the tables of Output program)