MeshSettings - PLAXIS 3D Output objects documentation


Mesh settings for plot objects
Property Long name Unit Description
ElementContours ElementContours - Shows the contour of soil elements.
ElementDeformationContours ElementDeformationContours - Shows the inner deformation contours of the soil elements.
Materials Materials - Shows the material colors.
PhreaticSurface PhreaticSurface - Shows the phreatic level.
ViscousBoundary ViscousBoundary - Shows the viscous boundary.
Fixities Fixities - Shows the fixities.
CrossSectionSoilBoundries CrossSectionSoilBoundries - Shows soil element boundaries in cross section views.
ClusterContours ClusterContours - Shows the contours of the soil clusters.
CrossSectionContour CrossSectionContour - Shows the contour of the cross section line/plane.
NodeNumbers NodeNumbers - Shows the node numbers as labels.
InputNodeNumbers InputNodeNumbers - Shows the input node numbers as labels.
StressPointNumbers StressPointNumbers - Shows the stress point numbers as labels.
DisplayedElementNumber DisplayedElementNumber - Enumerator that determines what value is shown in the soil elements. Possible values are: none, elementnumbers, clusternumbers and materialnumbers.
ChainNumbers ChainNumbers - Shows the segment numbers of chain structures.
GroupIds GroupIds - Shows the group number of the soil elements instead of the soil element id.
ClusterSubClusterNumbers ClusterSubClusterNumbers - Shows the sub cluster numbers of the soil elements. DisplayedElementNumber must be first set to clusternumbers.
PlasticPointsFailure PlasticPointsFailure - Shows the plastic failure points.
PlasticPointsTensionCutoff PlasticPointsTensionCutoff - Shows the tension cut off points.
PlasticPointsCap PlasticPointsCap - Shows the cap points.
PlasticPointsCapAndHardening PlasticPointsCapAndHardening - Shows the cap and hardening points.
PlasticPointsHardening PlasticPointsHardening - Shows the hardening points.
GravityForce GravityForce - Shows the gravity force in the forces view.
ForcesLoadsLoad ForcesLoadsLoad - Shows load forces.
ForcesPresDisplLoad ForcesPresDisplLoad - Shows prescribed displacement forces.
StructureForce StructureForce - Shows structural forces.
WaterPressureForce WaterPressureForce - Shows water pressure forces.
NormalSoilStress NormalSoilStress - Shows normal soil stress.
ShearSoilStress ShearSoilStress - Shows shear soil stress.
ForcesAsLoads ForcesAsLoads - Enables the showing of forces caused by loads.
ForcesAsForces ForcesAsForces - Enables the showing of direct forces.
ForcesAsEquivalentForces ForcesAsEquivalentForces - Enables the showing of substitute forces for some structures.
ForcesAsTotalForces ForcesAsTotalForces - Enables the showing of the summed forces.
ForcesWaterPressureForce ForcesWaterPressureForce - Shows forces caused by water pressure.
ForcesSoilStressForce ForcesSoilStressForce - Shows the soil stress forces.
ForcesTotalStress ForcesTotalStress - Shows the total stresses.
ForcesLoadsForce ForcesLoadsForce - Shows the forces caused by loads.
ForcesPresDisplForce ForcesPresDisplForce - Shows the forces caused by prescribed displacements.
CSElementContours CSElementContours - Shows element contours.
StructureAxes StructureAxes - Shows local axes for certain structures.
ClosedBoundary ClosedBoundary - Shows the closed boundary lines.
SeepageBoundary SeepageBoundary - Shows the seepage boundary lines.
FluxBoundary FluxBoundary - Shows the flux boundary lines.
HeadBoundary HeadBoundary - Shows the head boundary lines.
StructuresInCrossSection StructuresInCrossSection - Shows the structures intersected by a cross section view.
WholeStructuresInCrossSection WholeStructuresInCrossSection - Shows the entire structure in a cross section view instead of a partial view.
Frames Frames - Shows the frames.
SelectionLabels SelectionLabels - Shows the labels of selected curve points.
PlasticPointsFailureInaccurate PlasticPointsFailureInaccurate - Shows the inaccurate plastic failure points.
PlasticPointsTensionCutoffInaccurate PlasticPointsTensionCutoffInaccurate - Shows the inaccurate tension cutoff points.
PlasticPointsCapInaccurate PlasticPointsCapInaccurate - Shows the inaccurate cap points.
PlasticPointsCapAndHardeningInaccurate PlasticPointsCapAndHardeningInaccurate - Shows the inaccurate cap and hardening points.
PlasticPointsHardeningInaccurate PlasticPointsHardeningInaccurate - Shows the inaccurate hardening points.
StructureMaterialNumbers StructureMaterialNumbers - Shows the material numbers of structures as labels. DisplayedElementNumber must be first set to materialnumbers.
GroupClusters GroupClusters - Instead of drawing group or cluster numbers in every soil element this will restrict the number to a single soil element.
ElasticPoint ElasticPoint - Enables the showing of any kind of plastic point.