Result types for embedded beam
Property | Long name | Unit | Description |
X | X | Length | x-axis of position |
Y | Y | Length | y-axis of position |
Z | Z | Length | z coordinate |
Ux | ux | Length | Total displacement in x direction |
Uy | uy | Length | Total displacement in the y direction |
Uz | uz | Length | Total displacement in z direction |
Utot | |u| | Length | Total displacement |
dUx | Δux | Length | Incremental displacement in x direction |
dUy | Δuy | Length | Incremental displacement in y direction |
dUz | Δuz | Length | Incremental displacement in z direction |
dUtot | |Δu| | Length | Incremental displacement |
PUx | Pux | Length | Summed displacement per phase in x direction |
PUy | Puy | Length | Summed displacement per phase in y direction |
PUz | Puz | Length | Summed displacement per phase in z direction |
PUtot | |Pu| | Length | Summed displacement per phase |
Vx | vx | Length/Time | Velocity in the x direction |
Vy | vy | Length/Time | Velocity in the y direction |
Vz | vz | Length/Time | Velocity in z direction |
Vtot | |v| | Length | Velocity |
Ax | ax | Length/Time2 | Acceleration in the x direction |
Ay | ay | Length/Time2 | Acceleration in the y direction |
Az | az | Length/Time2 | Acceleration in z direction |
Atot | |a| | Length/Time2 | Acceleration |
Urel1 | uRel1 | - | Friction along first direction |
Urel2 | uRel2 | - | Friction along second direction |
Urel3 | uRel3 | - | Friction along third direction |
N | N | Force | Axial force |
Q12 | Q12 | Force | Shear force |
Q13 | Q13 | Force | Shear force |
M1 | M1 | Force·Length | Bending moment |
M2 | M2 | Force·Length | Bending moment |
M3 | M3 | Force·Length | Bending moment |
Phi1 | φ1 | ° | Local displacement below u3. |
IRelUx | ux,rel | Length | x difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelUy | uy,rel | Length | y difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelUtot | |urel| | Length | total difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUx | Δux,rel | Length | x difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUy | Δuy,rel | Length | y difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUtot | |Δurel| | Length | total difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelPUx | Pux,rel | Length | x difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
IRelPUy | Puy,rel | Length | y difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
IRelPUtot | |Purel| | Length | total difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
Tskin | Tskin | Force/Length/Length | Friction on the embedded beam in the direction of the embedded beam |
Tlat | Tlat | Force/Length/Length | Friction on the embedded beam in the lateral direction. Perpendicular to Tskin |
Tlat2 | Tlat2 | Force/Length/Length | Friction on the embedded beam in the lateral direction. Perpendicular to Tskin |
Force_EnvelopeMin | Nmin | Force/Length | NEEDS TO BE FILLED |
Force_EnvelopeMax | Nmax | Force/Length | NEEDS TO BE FILLED |
Q12_EnvelopeMin | Q12min | Force/Length | Minimum shear force |
Q12_EnvelopeMax | Q12max | Force/Length | Maximum shear force |
Q13_EnvelopeMin | Q13,min | Force/Length | Minimum shear force |
Q13_EnvelopeMax | Q13,max | Force/Length | Maximum shear force |
M1_EnvelopeMin | M1,min | Force·Length | Minimum bending moment. |
M1_EnvelopeMax | M1,max | Force·Length | Maximum bending moment. |
M2_EnvelopeMin | M2,min | Force·Length | Minimum bending moment. |
M2_EnvelopeMax | M2,max | Force·Length | Maximum bending moment. |
M3_EnvelopeMin | M3,min | Force·Length | Minimum bending moment. |
M3_EnvelopeMax | M3,max | Force·Length | Maximum bending moment. |
T1_EnvelopeMin | Tskin,min | Torque·Length | Minimum torque. |
T1_EnvelopeMax | Tskin,max | Torque·Length | Maximum torque. |
InterfaceRelativeShearStress | τrel | - | Relative shear stress in embedded beams |
FootForce | Ffoot | Force | Force applied at the bottom of the embedded beam row |
PlasticPoint | Status | - |
Agx | ax('g') | - | Acceleration in g in x direction |
Agy | ay('g') | - | Acceleration in g in y direction |
Agz | az('g') | - | Acceleration in g in z direction |
Agtot | |a|('g') | - | Total acceleration in g |
Area | Area | Length2 | Element area |
U1 | u1 | Length | Total displacement in first local axis direction |
U2 | u2 | Length | Total displacement in second local axis direction |
U3 | u3 | Length | Total displacement in third local axis direction |
dU1 | Δu1 | Length | Incremental displacement in first local axis direction |
dU2 | Δu2 | Length | Incremental displacement in second local axis direction |
dU3 | Δu3 | Length | Incremental displacement in third local axis direction |
PU1 | Pu1 | Length | Summed displacement per phase in first local axis direction |
PU2 | Pu2 | Length | Summed displacement per phase in second local axis direction |
PU3 | Pu3 | Length | Summed displacement per phase in third local axis direction |
Height | Elevation | Length | Elevation |
QualityLinLength | QLength | - | Same as Area divided by the maximum length of any line-like structure found in the mesh. |
SPUx | ΣPux | Length | Summed displacement over phases in x direction |
SPUy | ΣPuy | Length | Summed displacement over phases in y direction |
SPUz | ΣPuz | Length | Summed displacement over phases in z direction |
SPUtot | |ΣPu| | Length | Total summed displacement over phases |
NodeID | Node ID | - | Returns the ID of the nodes |
StressPointID | Stress point ID | - | Returns the ID of the stress points |
ElementID | Element ID | - | Returns the element ID for the embedded beam row structures |
LocalNumber | Local number | - | The n-th node or stress point in a soil element |