tabulate - PLAXIS 3D Output commands documentation

tabulate tbl

Displays a table with specified objects and their properties.
Displays a table with specified objects and their properties.
tabulate Plots Displays a table of properties for all plots
tabulate CenterLines Displays a table of properties for all centerlines.
tabulate CurvePoints Displays a table of properties for all curvepoints.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be displayed
Mode Target
- Global
Displays a table with specified objects and some of their properties.
tabulate Plots "ResultType" Displays a table of result types for all plots.
tabulate CenterLines "CenterLineType" Displays a table of centerlinetype for all centerlines.
tabulate CurvePoints "x y z" Displays a table of x, y, z-coordinates for all curvepoints.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be displayed
Text Property description The properties that should be displayed in the table, separated by spaces
Mode Target
- Global
Displays a table with specified objects that fulfill a specified condition, and some of their properties.
tabulate Plots "ResultType" "ScaleFactor=50" Displays a table of result types for the plots that have a scalefactor equal to 50.
tabulate CurvePoints "x" "Pointtype != Stress Point" Displays a table of x-coordinates for the curve points that are not stress points.
tabulate CurvePoints "x y z" "z<0" Displays a table of values for x,y,z coodinates for the curvepoints that have z-coordinate smaller than 0.
<<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text' Text'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object objects to be displayed
Text Property description The properties that should be displayed in the table, separated by spaces
Text Specified condition The condition that the objects that should be displayed should fulfill
Mode Target
- Global