set - PLAXIS 3D Output commands documentation


Sets one or more properties of one or more objects
Copies the properties of one object to another.
set Plots[-1] Plots[0] Copies the properties of Plots[0] to Plots[-1].
PlxObject Object reference Name of the object from which the properties should be copied
Mode Target
- Object
Changes a numerical property of an object.
set Plots[-1].Scalefactor 50 Changes the scale factor of Plots[-1] to 50.
Number New numerical value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
- Numerical property
Changes a numerical property of an object.
set Plots[-1].ScaleFactor Plots[0].ScaleFactor Changes the scale factor of Plots[-1] to the scale factor of Plots[0].
Number New numerical value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
- Numerical property
Changes an integer property of an object.
set Plots[-1].LegendSettings.Intervals 5 Changes the intervals for legend settings of Plots[-1] to 5.
Integer New integer value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
- Integer property
Changes a text property of an object.
set Plots[-1].ProjectDescription "Excavation" Changes the project description of the last created plot to 'Excavation'.
Text New text value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
- Text property
Sets one or more properties of one or more objects. The properties must be of the same type.
set (Plots[-1].ResultType Plots[-2].ResultType) ResultTypes.Soil.Uy Sets Plots[-1] and Plots[-2] to display total displacements Uy.
set (Plots[-1].DrawLegend Plots[-2].DrawLegend) False Sets the parameter of draw legend to false for Plots[-1] and Plots[-2].
<{1,...}: <Property: Boolean|Integer|Number|Colour|Text|LargeText>>' <Everything>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more properties
Property Property type
Boolean Boolean property
Integer Integer property
Number Number property
Colour Colour reference Colour property
Text Text property
LargeText Large text property
Everything New value of the property
Mode Target
- Any