Reached - PLAXIS 2D Output objects documentation


Reached values after the calculation of a phase.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the reached.
Comments Comments - Comments on the reached.
Msf Reached Msf - Reached value for Msf after the calculation of a phase.
MStage Reached M Stage - Reached value for M Stage after the calculation of a phase.
PMax P Max - Reached value for P max after the calculation of a phase.
Time Reached time Time Reached time for the phase.
DynamicTime Reached dynamic time Time The total time of the dynamic calculation
SumMWeight ΣMweight - Soil weight
SumMArea ΣMarea - The fraction of the mesh that is remaining with respect to the initial phase
SumMsf ΣMsf - The total safety factor
SumMStage ΣMstage - The total stage construction progress
MArea Marea - The fraction of the excavated mesh
ForceX Reached force X Force Reached value for the force X after the calculation of a phase.
ForceY Reached force Y Force Reached value for the force Y after the calculation of a phase.
PseudoStaticAccelerationX Pseudo-static acceleration X Length/Time2 The pseudo-static acceleration set in Input (x-axis)
PseudoStaticAccelerationY Pseudo-static acceleration Y Length/Time2 The pseudo-static acceleration set in Input (y-axis)
Extrapolation Extrapolation - Extrapolation factor
RelativeStiffness Relative stiffness - Relative stiffness
GlobalError GlobalError - Overall calculation error