PointLoad - PLAXIS 2D Output objects documentation


Result types for point load
Property Long name Unit Description
X X Length x coordinate
Y Y Length y coordinate
Ux ux Length Total displacement in x direction
Uy uy Length Total displacement in y direction
Utot |u| Length Total displacement
dUx Δux Length Incremental displacement in x direction
dUy Δuy Length Incremental displacement in y direction
dUtot |Δu| Length Total incremental displacement
PUx Pux Length Summed displacement per phase in x direction
PUy Puy Length Summed displacement per phase in y direction
PUtot |Pu| Length Total summed displacement per phase
Vx vx Length/Time Velocity in x direction
Vy vy Length/Time Velocity in y direction
Vtot |v| Length/Time Total velocity
Ax ax Length/Time2 Acceleration in x direction
Ay ay Length/Time2 Acceleration in y direction
Atot |a| Length/Time2 Total acceleration
Agx ax('g') - Acceleration in g in x direction
Agy ay('g') - Acceleration in g in y direction
Agtot |a|('g') - Total acceleration in g
Force |Force| Force Total point load
Fx Fx Force Point load in the x direction
Fy Fy Force Point load in the y direction
U1 u1 Length Total displacement in first local axis direction
U2 u2 Length Total displacement in second local axis direction
dU1 Δu1 Length Incremental displacement in first local axis direction
dU2 Δu2 Length Incremental displacement in second local axis direction
PU1 Pu1 Length Summed displacement per phase in first local axis direction
PU2 Pu2 Length Summed displacement per phase in second local axis direction
Height Elevation Length Equal to Y in 2D projects and equal to Z for 3D projects
Fdyn |Fdyn| Force Total dynamic point load
Fxdyn Fx,dyn Force Dynamic point load in the x direction
Fydyn Fy,dyn Force Dynamic point load in the y direction
UxMin ux,min Length Minimum displacement in x direction
UyMin uy,min Length Minimum displacement in y direction
UxMax ux,max Length Maximum displacement in x direction
UyMax uy,max Length Maximum displacement in y direction
UtotMax |u|max Length Total maximum displacement
VxMin vx,min Length/Time Minimum velocity in x direction
VyMin vy,min Length/Time Minimum velocity in y direction
VxMax vx,max Length/Time Maximum velocity in x direction
VyMax vy,max Length/Time Maximum velocity in y direction
VtotMax |v|max Length/Time Total maximum velocity
AxMin ax,min Length/Time2 Minimum acceleration in x direction
AyMin ay,min Length/Time2 Minimum acceleration in y direction
AxMax ax,max Length/Time2 Maximum acceleration in x direction
AyMax ay,max Length/Time2 Maximum acceleration in y direction
AtotMax |a|max Length/Time2 Total maximum acceleration
AgxMin ax,min('g') - Minimum acceleration in g in x direction
AgyMin ay,min('g') - Minimum acceleration in g in y direction
AgxMax ax,max('g') - Maximum acceleration in g in x direction
AgyMax ay,max('g') - Maximum acceleration in g in y direction
AgtotMax |a|max('g') - Total maximum acceleration in g
PUxMin Pux,min Length Minimum displacement per phase in x direction
PUyMin Puy,min Length Minimum displacement per phase in y direction
PUxMax Pux,max Length Maximum displacement per phase in x direction
PUyMax Puy,max Length Maximum displacement per phase in y direction
PUtotMax |Pu|max Length Total maximum displacement per phase
PVxMin Pvx,min Length/Time Minimum velocity per phase in x direction
PVyMin Pvy,min Length/Time Minimum velocity per phase in y direction
PVxMax Pvx,max Length/Time Maximum velocity per phase in x direction
PVyMax Pvy,max Length/Time Maximum velocity per phase in y direction
PVtotMax |Pv|max Length/Time Total maximum velocity per phase
PAxMin Pax,min Length/Time2 Minimum acceleration per phase in x direction
PAyMin Pay,min Length/Time2 Minimum acceleration per phase in y direction
PAxMax Pax,max Length/Time2 Maximum acceleration per phase in x direction
PAyMax Pay,max Length/Time2 Maximum acceleration per phase in y direction
PAtotMax |Pa|max Length/Time2 Total maximum acceleration per phase
PAgxMin Pax,min('g') - Minimum acceleration in g in x direction
PAgyMin Pay,min('g') - Minimum acceleration in g in y direction
PAgxMax Pax,max('g') - Maximum acceleration in g in x direction
PAgyMax Pay,max('g') - Maximum acceleration in g in y direction
PAgtotMax |Pa|max('g') - Total maximum acceleration in g
SPUx ΣPux Length Summed displacement over phases in x direction
SPUy ΣPuy Length Summed displacement over phases in y direction
SPUtot |ΣPu| Length Total summed displacement over phases
M M Force·Length Bending moment vector
Mprev Mprev Force·Length Bending moment vector in the previous phase
Mtarget Mtarget Force·Length Desired bending moment vector
Fprev |Fprev| Force Total point load of previous phase
Fxprev Fx,prev Force Point load of previous phase in the x direction
Fyprev Fy,prev Force Point load of previous phase in the y direction
Ftarget |Ftarget| Force Desired total point load
Fxtarget Fx,target Force Total desired total point load in the x-direction
Fytarget Fy,target Force Desired total point load in the y-direction
XYZoriginal Original coordinate Length Should not be used. Use Xoriginal, Yoriginal and Zoriginal to get the coordinate instead
Xoriginal Xoriginal Length X component of the original position of the point load
Yoriginal Yoriginal Length Y component of the original position of the point load
Zoriginal Zoriginal Length Z component of the original position of the point load
NodeID Node ID - Returns the ID of the nodes
ElementID Element ID - Returns the element ID for the point load structures
LocalNumber Local number - The n-th node in a structure element (also displayed in the tables of Output program)