Result types for embedded beam row
Property | Long name | Unit | Description |
Ux | ux | Length | Total displacement in x direction |
Uy | uy | Length | Total displacement in the y direction |
Utot | |u| | Length | Total displacement |
dUx | Δux | Length | Incremental displacement in x direction |
dUy | Δuy | Length | Incremental displacement in y direction |
dUtot | |Δu| | Length | Incremental displacement |
PUx | Pux | Length | Summed displacement per phase in x direction |
PUy | Puy | Length | Summed displacement per phase in y direction |
PUtot | |Pu| | Length | Summed displacement per phase |
Vx | vx | Length/Time | Velocity in the x direction |
Vy | vy | Length/Time | Velocity in the y direction |
Vtot | |v| | Length | Velocity |
Ax | ax | Length/Time2 | Acceleration in the x direction |
Ay | ay | Length/Time2 | Acceleration in the y direction |
Atot | |a| | Length/Time2 | Acceleration |
IRelUx | ux,rel | Length | x difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelUy | uy,rel | Length | y difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelUtot | |urel| | Length | total difference in displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUx | Δux,rel | Length | x difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUy | Δuy,rel | Length | y difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IReldUtot | |Δurel| | Length | total difference in incremental displacement between opposing nodes in a structure |
IRelPUx | Pux,rel | Length | x difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
IRelPUy | Puy,rel | Length | y difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
IRelPUtot | |Purel| | Length | total difference in summed displacement between opposing nodes in a structure per phase |
Tskin | Tskin | Force/Length/Length | Friction on the embedded beam in the direction of the embedded beam |
Tlat | Tlat | Force/Length/Length | Friction on the embedded beam in the lateral direction. Perpendicular to Tskin |
Nx2D | Force | Force/Length | Normal force |
Nz2D | Forcez | Force/Length | Axial force |
Q2D | Q | Force/Length | Shear force |
M2D | M | Torque/Length | Bending moment |
Nx_EnvelopeMin2D | Forcemin | Force/Length | Minimum normal force |
Nx_EnvelopeMax2D | Forcemax | Force/Length | Maximum normal force |
Nz_EnvelopeMin2D | Forcez,min | Force/Length | Minimum axial force |
Nz_EnvelopeMax2D | Forcez,max | Force/Length | Maximum axial force |
Q_EnvelopeMin2D | Qmin | Force/Length | Minimum shear force |
Q_EnvelopeMax2D | Qmax | Force/Length | Maximum shear force |
M_EnvelopeMin2D | Mmin | Torque/Length | Minimum bending moment |
M_EnvelopeMax2D | Mmax | Torque/Length | Maximum bending moment |
InterfaceRelativeShearStress | τrel | - | Relative shear stress in embedded beam rows |
FootForce | Ffoot | Force | Force applied at the bottom of the embedded beam row |
Agx | ax('g') | - | Acceleration in g in x direction |
Agy | ay('g') | - | Acceleration in g in y direction |
Agtot | |a|('g') | - | Total acceleration in g |
U1 | u1 | Length | Total displacement in first local axis direction |
U2 | u2 | Length | Total displacement in second local axis direction |
dU1 | Δu1 | Length | Incremental displacement in first local axis direction |
dU2 | Δu2 | Length | Incremental displacement in second local axis direction |
PU1 | Pu1 | Length | Summed displacement per phase in first local axis direction |
PU2 | Pu2 | Length | Summed displacement per phase in second local axis direction |
UxMin | ux,min | Length | Minimum displacement in x direction |
UyMin | uy,min | Length | Minimum displacement in y direction |
UxMax | ux,max | Length | Maximum displacement in x direction |
UyMax | uy,max | Length | Maximum displacement in y direction |
UtotMax | |u|max | Length | Total maximum displacement |
VxMin | vx,min | Length/Time | Minimum velocity in x direction |
VyMin | vy,min | Length/Time | Minimum velocity in y direction |
VxMax | vx,max | Length/Time | Maximum velocity in x direction |
VyMax | vy,max | Length/Time | Maximum velocity in y direction |
VtotMax | |v|max | Length/Time | Total maximum velocity |
AxMin | ax,min | Length/Time2 | Minimum acceleration in x direction |
AyMin | ay,min | Length/Time2 | Minimum acceleration in y direction |
AxMax | ax,max | Length/Time2 | Maximum acceleration in x direction |
AyMax | ay,max | Length/Time2 | Maximum acceleration in y direction |
AtotMax | |a|max | Length/Time2 | Total maximum acceleration |
AgxMin | ax,min('g') | - | Minimum acceleration in g in x direction |
AgyMin | ay,min('g') | - | Minimum acceleration in g in y direction |
AgxMax | ax,max('g') | - | Maximum acceleration in g in x direction |
AgyMax | ay,max('g') | - | Maximum acceleration in g in y direction |
AgtotMax | |a|max('g') | - | Total maximum acceleration in g |
PUxMin | Pux,min | Length | Minimum displacement per phase in x direction |
PUyMin | Puy,min | Length | Minimum displacement per phase in y direction |
PUxMax | Pux,max | Length | Maximum displacement per phase in x direction |
PUyMax | Puy,max | Length | Maximum displacement per phase in y direction |
PUtotMax | |Pu|max | Length | Total maximum displacement per phase |
PVxMin | Pvx,min | Length/Time | Minimum velocity per phase in x direction |
PVyMin | Pvy,min | Length/Time | Minimum velocity per phase in y direction |
PVxMax | Pvx,max | Length/Time | Maximum velocity per phase in x direction |
PVyMax | Pvy,max | Length/Time | Maximum velocity per phase in y direction |
PVtotMax | |Pv|max | Length/Time | Total maximum velocity per phase |
PAxMin | Pax,min | Length/Time2 | Minimum acceleration per phase in x direction |
PAyMin | Pay,min | Length/Time2 | Minimum acceleration per phase in y direction |
PAxMax | Pax,max | Length/Time2 | Maximum acceleration per phase in x direction |
PAyMax | Pay,max | Length/Time2 | Maximum acceleration per phase in y direction |
PAtotMax | |Pa|max | Length/Time2 | Total maximum acceleration per phase |
PAgxMin | Pax,min('g') | - | Minimum acceleration in g in x direction |
PAgyMin | Pay,min('g') | - | Minimum acceleration in g in y direction |
PAgxMax | Pax,max('g') | - | Maximum acceleration in g in x direction |
PAgyMax | Pay,max('g') | - | Maximum acceleration in g in y direction |
PAgtotMax | |Pa|max('g') | - | Total maximum acceleration in g |
SPUx | ΣPux | Length | Summed displacement over phases in x direction |
SPUy | ΣPuy | Length | Summed displacement over phases in y direction |
SPUtot | |ΣPu| | Length | Total summed displacement over phases |
TskinMax | Tskin,max | Force/Length | Maximum skin friction |
TskinRel | Tskin,rel | Force/Length | Skin friction relative to Tskin,max |
NodeID | Node ID | - | Returns the ID of the nodes |
ElementID | Element ID | - | Returns the element ID for the embedded beam row structures |
LocalNumber | Local number | - | The n-th node or stress point in a soil element |