TransferFunction - PLAXIS 2D Input objects documentation


Transfer function for thermal flow boundary conditions.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the transfer function.
Comments Comments - Comments on the transfer function.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the transfer function.
Signal Signal -
Sets the transfer function signal to harmonic.
Sets the transfer function signal to table.
Sets the transfer function signal to linear.
Amplitude Amplitude - Amplitude of the signal when the transfer function is set to harmonic.
Frequency Frequency Time-1 Frequency of the signal when the transfer function is set to harmonic.
Period Period Time Frequency of the signal when the transfer function is set to harmonic.
Phase Phase ° Phase of the signal when the transfer function is set to harmonic.
Table Table - Table with time and transfer coefficient values when the transfer function is set to table.
Time Time Time Time duration for the change in transfer coefficient value when the transfer function is set to linear.
DeltaTransferCoefficient Delta transfer coefficient - Change in the transfer coefficient value when the transfer function is set to linear.