ThermalFlowBC - PLAXIS 2D Input objects documentation


Thermal flow boundary condition feature of a line.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the thermal flow boundary condition.
Comments Comments - Comments on the thermal flow boundary condition.
Parent Parent - Name of the line where the thermal flow boundary condition feature is applied to.
Behaviour Behaviour -
Prevents thermal flow through this boundary.
Prescribes a certain temperature in this boundary.
Allows inflow through this boundary.
Allows outflow through this boundary.
Allows convection through this boundary.
Constant value from previous phase
The boundary condition is set to the same value as the previous phase.
Maintain function from previous phase
The boundary condition continues calculating with the same function as the previous phase.
Distribution Distribution -
The distribution is set to uniform.
Vertical increment
The distribution is increases or decreses along the vertical boundary.
Horizontal increment
The distribution is increases or decreses along the horizontal boundary.
Start/end values
The distribution is varies according to the start and end values.
Time dependency Time dependency -
The value in the thermal boundary does not change with time.
The value in the thermal boundary varies with time.
T_ref href Temperature Reference value of temperature when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to temperature.
q_ref |qref| Power/Length2 Absolute value of flux when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow.
T_fluid Tfluid Temperature Temperature of the fluid.
TransferCoefficient Transfer coefficient Power/Length2/Temperature Coefficient specifying the heat transfer from the surrounding fluid on to the boundary
Tstart Tstart - Start value of temperature when the boundary condition is set to temperature with start/end values.
Tend Tend - End value of temperature when the boundary condition is set to temperature with start/end values.
DeltaT ΔT - Change in temperature.
HeatFluxFunction Heat flux function - Heat flux function for the boundary.
HeatTotalFluxFunction Heat total flux function - Heat total flux function for the boundary.
qref qref - Reference heat flux value at the specified reference value in the out-of-plane direction.
qinc qinc,x,y - Increment value specifying the variation of heat flux along the boundary.
qstart qstart - Start value of heat flux when the boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.
qend qend - End value of heat flux when the boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.
Tfluid Tfluid - Temperature of the fluid medium surrounding the boundary.
TfluidMax TfluidMax - Maximum temperature of the surrounding fluid medium.
TransferFunction Transfer function - The heat transfer function for the boundary.
TransferCoefficient Transfer coefficient - Coefficient specifying the heat transfer from the surrounding fluid on to the boundary
TransferTimeDependency Transfer time dependency -
The convection in the thermal boundary does not change with time.
The convection in the thermal boundary varies with time.
y_start y_start Length Start y coordinate for the boundary when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.
y_end y_end Length End y coordinate for the boundary when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.
x_start x_start Length Start x coordinate for the boundary when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.
x_end x_end Length End x coordinate for the boundary when the thermal flow boundary condition is set to inflow or outflow with start/end values.