PorePressure - PLAXIS 2D Input objects documentation


Pore pressure object.
Property Long name Unit Description
Name Name - Name of the pore pressure object.
Comments Comments - Comments on the pore pressure object.
TypeName typename - TypeName of a pore pressure object.
UserFeatures UserFeatures - UserFeatures of the pore pressure object.
Parent Parent - Name of the parent object of the pore pressure object.
Conditions conditions -
The pore pressure distribution is hydrostatic and defined by the borehole head.
The pore pressure distribution is hydrostatic.
The pore pressure distribution is linearly interpolated from the pore pressures of the adjacent soil layers.
The pore pressure in the soil layer is equal to zero.
User defined
The pore pressure distribution is defined manually by giving the ptop and pbottom.
BoreholeValues boreholevalues - Borehole values ??