tabulate - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

tabulate tbl

Displays a table of properties for specified objects.
Displays a table with specified objects.
tabulate LoadMultiplier_1 LoadMultiplier_2 Displays a table of listed load multipliers.
tabulate DisplacementMultiplier_1 DisplacementMultiplier_2 Displays a table of listed displacement multipliers.
tabulate HeadFunction_1 HeadFunction_2 Displays a table of listed head functions.
tabulate MovementFunctions Displays a table of all movement functions.
tabulate PlateMat3D_1 GeogridMat_1 Displays a table of the listed objects.
tabulate Materials Displays a table of all materials.
tabulate Lines Displays a table of all line objects.
tabulate Points Displays a table of all point objects.
tabulate Phases Displays a table of phases.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be tabulated
Mode Target
All Global
Displays a table of objects that fulfil a specified criterion.
tabulate Points "x<2" Displays a table of all points that have an x-coordinate with a value lesser than 2.
tabulate SoilMat_1 SoilMat_2 "gammaSat gammaUnsat Gref" Displays a table of three properties details for the listed soil materials.
tabulate Materials "SoilMat" Displays a table of all soil materials.
tabulate Lines "LineLoad<>" Displays a table of all lines that have a line load assigned to them.
tabulate Phases "ShouldCalculate=False" Displays a table of all phases that are not to be calculated.
tabulate Lines "Length<=1" Displays a table of all lines that have a length less or equal to 1.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be tabulated
Text Specified criterion Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil
Mode Target
All Global
Displays a table (with specified columns) of objects that fulfil a specified criterion.
tabulate (Line_1 Line_2) "First Second" "First=Point_1" Displays a table of lines of which first point is Point_1. The table will show two columns: first and second line points.
tabulate Points "x" "x=2" Displays a table of all points that have x-coordinate equal to 2. The table will show one column: x coordinates.
tabulate (Point_1 Point_2 Point_3) "x" "x>2" Displays a table of points that have x-coordinate greater than 2. The table will show one column: x coordinates.
tabulate Phases "Identification DeformCalcType MaxCores" "MaxCores=2" Displays a table of all phases which max cores equals to 2. The table will show three columns: Identification, DeformCalcType, and MaxCores.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Text' Text'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Object Objects to be tabulated
Text Table columns Columns of the table
Text Specified criterion Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil
Mode Target
All Global
Displays a table of specified staged construction features in the specified phase.
tabulate (EmbeddedBeamRow_2_1 EmbeddedBeamRow_1_1) Phase_1 Displays a table of beams that are in Phase_1.
tabulate (EmbeddedBeamRow_2_1 EmbeddedBeamRow_1_1) InitialPhase Displays a table of beams that are in the InitialPhase.
tabulate PointLoads Phase_1 Displays a table of point loads that are in Phase_1.
tabulate Group_1 Phase_2 Displays a table of grouped staged construction features that are in the Phase_2.
<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be tabulated
StagedFeatureListable Staged construction feature list reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be displayed
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be tabulated
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global
Displays a table (with specified columns) of staged construction features that are in the specified phase.
tabulate (PointLoad_2_1 PointLoad_3_1) Phase_1 "Fx Fz" Displays a table of point loads that are in Phase_1. The table will show two columns: Fx and Fz.
tabulate PointLoads Phase_1 "Fx Fy Fz F" Displays a table of point loads that are in Phase_1. The table will show four columns: Fx, Fy, Fz, and F.
<<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'> Text'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be tabulated
StagedFeatureListable Staged construction feature list reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be displayed
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be tabulated
Text Table columns Columns of the table
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global
Displays a table (with specified columns) of staged construction features that are in the specified phase and fulfil the specified criteria.
tabulate (PointLoad_1_1 PointLoad_2_1) Phase_1 "Fx Fy Fz" "Active=True" Displays a table of point loads that are active in Phase_1. The table will show three columns: Fx, Fy, and Fz.
tabulate PointLoads Phase_1 "Fx Fy Fz F" "Active=True" Displays a table of point loads that are active in Phase_1. The table will show four columns: Fx, Fy, Fz, and F.
<<<<{1,...}: StagedFeature>'|StagedFeatureListable'> PlxBasePhase'> Text' Text'>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more objects
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be displayed
StagedFeatureListable Staged construction feature list reference List of the staged construction features from which the features should be displayed
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be displayed
Text Table columns Columns of the table
Text Specified criterion Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global
Displays a list of phases in which staged construction feature is present.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2 Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is present.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phases Displays phases from the list of phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is present.
<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'|PhaseListable'>>
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference Name of the staged construction feature which should be tabulated
{2,...} 2 Sequence of two or more objects
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be tabulated
PhaseListable Phase list reference List of the phases from which the features should be tabulated
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global
Displays a table (with specified columns) of phases in which staged construction feature is present.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2 "Active F" Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is active.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phases "F Active" Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is present. The table will show two columns: F and Active.
tabulate PointLoad_2_1 S_Group_2 "Fx Fy" Displays phases from the group of phases, in which PointLoad_2_1 is present. The table will show two columns: Fx and Fy.
<<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'|PhaseListable'>> Text'>
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference Name of the staged construction feature which should be tabulated
{2,...} 2 Sequence of two or more objects
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be tabulated
PhaseListable Phase list reference List of the phases from which the features should be tabulated
Text Table columns Columns of the table
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global
Displays a table (with specified columns) of phases in which staged construction features are present and fulfil the specified criterion.
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phase_1 Phase_2 "" "Active=True" Displays a table of phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is active. The table will have all available columns (Active, Fx, Fy, F, and M).
tabulate PointLoad_1_1 Phases "Fz F Active" "Active=True" Displays phases, in which PointLoad_1_1 is active. The table will show three columns: Fz, F, and Active.
tabulate PointLoad_2_1 S_Group_2 "Fx Fy" "Fx>1" Displays phases from the group of phases, in which force value is greater than 1. The table will show two columns: Fx and Fy.
<<StagedFeature <<{2,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'|PhaseListable'>> Text' Text'>
StagedFeature Staged construction feature reference Name of the staged construction feature which should be displayed
{2,...} 2 Sequence of two or more objects
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase from which the features should be displayed
PhaseListable Phase list reference List of the phases from which the features should be displayed
Text Table columns Columns of the table
Text Specified criterion Criterion that the objects that should be displayed have to fulfil
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global