set - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation


Changes the properties of an object in the project.
Copies the properties of one object to another.
set Plate_1 Plate_2 Copies the properties of Plate_2 to Plate_1.
set Point_1 Points[1] Copies the properties of the second point from the list of points to Point_1.
PlxObject Object reference Name of the object from which the properties should be copied
Mode Target
All Object
Changes a numerical property of an object.
set Point_1.x 5.2 Changes the x-coordinate of Point_1 to 5.2.
Number New numerical value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Numerical property
Changes a numerical property of an object.
set Point_1.x Point_2.x Changes the x-coordinate of Point_1 to the x-coordinate of Point_2.
Number New numerical value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Numerical property
Changes an integer property of an object.
set PlateMat2D_1.Colour 646464 Changes the colour of PlateMat2D_1 to the colour with colour code 646464.
Integer New integer value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Integer property
Changes an integer property of an object.
set PlateMat2D_1.Colour Colours.Blue Changes the colour of PlateMat2D_1 to blue.
Integer New integer value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Integer property
Changes an enumeration property of an object.
set Well_1.Behaviour 1 Changes the behaviour of Well_1 to "Infiltration".
Enumeration New enumeration value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Enumeration property
Changes a text property of an object.
set Project.Title "Excavation" Changes the title of the project to 'Excavation'.
Text New text value New value of the property that should be changed
Mode Target
All Text property
Changes a property of an object in one or more phases.
set Plate_1.Material (Phase_1 Phase_2) PlateMat2D_3 Changes the material of Plate_1 to PlateMat2D_3 in Phase_1 and Phase_2.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>' Any
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more phases
PlxBasePhase Phase reference Name of the phase in which the property of an object should be changed
Any New value of the property
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Any
Changes one or more properties of one or more objects. The properties must be of the same type.
set (Point_1.x Point_2.y Point_5.y) 2 Changes the x-coordinate of Point_1 and the y-coordinate of Point_2 and Point_5 to 2.
<{1,...}: <Property: Boolean|Integer|Number|Colour|Text|LargeText>>' <Everything>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more properties
Property Property type
Boolean Boolean property
Integer Integer property
Number Number property
Colour Colour reference Colour property
Text Text property
LargeText Large text property
Everything New value of the property
Mode Target
All Any
Changes a row in an advanced table.
set AdvancedTableRow_11.Multiplier 345 Changes the multiplier value of AdvancedTableRow_11 to 345.
set DisplacementMultiplier_1.Table[0][1] 7 Changes the value on row 0, column 1 of the advanced table of DisplacementMultiplier_1 to 7.
Everything Everything New value of the property
Mode Target
All Any
Copies the properties of one phase to the other except the parent phase property. Using this command only copies the phase properties, but does not copy other staged construction settings such as active state of soil and structures, value of loads etc.
set Phase_1 Phase_2 Copies the properties of Phase_2 to Phase_1 except the parent phase property. Using this command only copies the phase properties, but does not copy other staged construction settings such as active state of soil and structures, value of loads etc.
PlxObject Object Name of the object from which the properties should be copied
Mode Target
All Object