reset - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation


Clears the contents of a polycurve with the option to add one or more new sections.
Clears the contents of a polycurve.
reset Polycurve_1 Clears the contents of Polycurve_1.
<no parameters>
no parameters
Mode Target
Geometry Polycurve
Clears the contents of a polycurve and add one or more new sections.
reset Polycurve_2 "arc" 0 45 1 "line" 90 2 Clears the contents of Polycurve_2 and adds an arc section with an increment of the slope of 0°, a central angle of 45° and a radius of 1, followed by a line section with an increment of the slope of 90° and a length of 2.
<{1,...}: <<<Text: "line"> <Number'(°) Number'>'>'|<<Text: "arc"> <Number'(°) Number'(°) Number'>'>'>>
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more section definitions
Text "line" Adds a line section to the polycurve
Number Angle Increment of the slope of the new line section
Number Length Length of the new line section
Text "arc" Adds an arc section to the polycurve
Number Angle Increment of the slope of the new arc section
Number Angle Central angle of the new arc section
Number Radius Radius of the new arc section
Mode Target
Geometry Polycurve
{1,...} Segment