multiply - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

multiply mul

Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply PointLoad_1 4 Multiplies components of PointLoad_1 with a factor of 4.
Number Number Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied
Mode Target
All Global
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply LineLoad_1 "qy_start" 2 Multiplies qy_start component of LineLoad_1 with a factor of 2.
<{1,...}: Text'>' Number
1,... Sequence of one or more objects
Text Name of property that should be multiplied
Number Number Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied
Mode Target
All Object
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (LineLoad_1 PointLoad_2.Fy) 2 Multiplies LineLoad_1 with a factor of 2 and the Fy component of PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
multiply (PointLoad_1 PointLoad_2) "Fy" 2 Multiplies Fy component of PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
multiply (PointLoad_1_1 PointLoad_2_1) "Fy" InitialPhase 2 Multiplies Fy component of PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 in the Initial phase with a factor of 2.
<{1,...}: PlxObject'>' Everything>'
1,... Sequence of one or more objects
PlxObject Property of Plaxis object to be multiplied
Everything Parameter(s) Parameter(s) for the command that should be applied
Mode Target
All Object
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (LineLoad_1 PointLoad_2) 2 Multiplies components of LineLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
Listable' Number'
Listable Listable reference Name of the listable to which the command should be applied
Number Number Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied
Mode Target
All Global
Multiplies properties of objects with a specified factor.
multiply (PointLoad_1 PointLoad_2) "Fy" 2 Multiplies Fy component PointLoad_1 and PointLoad_2 with a factor of 2.
Listable' <{1,...}: Text'>' Number
Listable Listable reference Name of the listable to which the command should be applied
1,... Sequence of one or more objects
Text Parameter required to be multiplied
Number Number Factor by which the values of the object properties should be multiplied
Mode Target
All Global