generateintersectionpoints - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

generateintersectionpoints gip

Generates intersection points between two entities.
Generates intersection points between two entities.
generateintersectionpoints Polycurve_1 Polycurve_4 Generates the intersection points between Polycurve_1 and Polycurve_4.
<{2,...}: <Point'|Line'|Polycurve'|Tunnel'|Polygon'>>'
{2,...} 2 Sequence of two or more objects
Point Point object reference Name of the point that is to be intersected
Line Line object reference Name of the line that is to be intersected
Polycurve Polycurve object reference Name of the polycurve that is to be intersected
Tunnel Tunnel object reference Name of the tunnel that is to be intersected
Polygon Polygon object reference Name of the polygon that is to be intersected
Mode Target
Geometry Global