findstagedfeature - PLAXIS 2D Input commands documentation

findstagedfeature fsf

Finds a feature in the staged construction mode.
Finds and displays source entities of one or more staged features in staged construction mode.
findstagedfeature PointLoad_1_1 Finds and displays the source entity of PointLoad_1_1 in staged construction mode.
findstagedfeature SurfaceLoad_1_1 PointLoad_1_1 Finds and displays the source entities of SurfaceLoad_1_1 and PointLoad_1_1 in staged construction mode.
<{1,...}: StagedFeature'>'
{1,...} 1 Sequence of one or more staged features
StagedFeature Feature reference Name of the feature of which the source entities should be displayed
Mode Target
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction Global