checkcalculationconditions ccc
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the defined phases.
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the defined phases.
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for all defined phases.
<no parameters>
no parameters |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the phases.
checkcalculationconditions Phase_1
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for Phase_1.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of 1 or more phases | |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase in which all the checks are run |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the phases but report only the errors.
checkcalculationconditions "errors"
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for Phase_1 but report only the errors.
<{1,...}: PlxBasePhase'>' Text'
{1,...} 1 ∞ | Sequence of 1 or more phases | |
PlxBasePhase | Phase reference | Name of the phase in which all the checks are run |
Text | Text | Reported level of check, e.g. errors, warnings, hints, tips, or all |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of all phases but report only the warnings.
checkcalculationconditions "warnings"
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for all phases but report only the warnings.
Text | Text | Reported level of check, e.g. errors, warnings, hints, tips, or all |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the phases listable.
checkcalculationconditions Phases
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for the phases listable.
PhaseListable | Phase list reference | List of the phases for which the command will be run |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |
Performs the pre-calculation checks on conditions and settings of the phases listable but report only the errors.
checkcalculationconditions S_Group_1 "errors"
Executes all the pre-calculation checks for the phases listable but report only the errors.
PhaseListable' Text'
PhaseListable | Phase list reference | List of the phases for which the command will be run |
Text | Text | Reported level of check, e.g. errors, warnings, hints, tips, or all |
Mode | Target |
Mesh, Water levels, Staged construction | Global |